You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Where can I find through-hole pats?
4442 14
aristotles 1 year ago
I am new to PCB designs and I have not used surface-mount parts in my design yet. I am building a PCB that onl;y contains 14-pin and 16-pin sockets, 8-pin male headers, and some resistors, all through-hole. I cannot locate any of them in the EasyEDA library. All I get is surface-mount parts. Can you please help me locate them? How can I isolate my search to surface-mount only? Even the commonly used library does not contain any TH parts. Thank you, Aristotle
aristotles 1 year ago
I was able to locate most of my parts. Here is a 3D image. What is the width of CD4042BE? It seems that the holes are wider than the part, yet the specs call for a  3*2.54 mm width. ![3D.jpg](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
@aristotles, "What is the width of CD4042BE?" Check the exact part that you have selected against the manufacturer's datasheet which should include or point to the package and recommended footprint dimensions. Then check the EasyEDA footprint against the datasheet dimensions.
aristotles 1 year ago
The width of the 40402BE is the same as the MC14495's. Texas Instruments shows a standard width of 7,62 mm. The EasyEDA model shows the pins to be 7,62 mm apart (below), but the PCD holes are shown offset. ![EasyEDA FP.jpg](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
Sorry but you'll have to post the link to - or the LCSC stock number of - the part you are talking about.
aristotles 1 year ago
CD4042BE is this one: [https://www\.lcsc\.com/product\-detail/Latches\_Texas\-Instruments\-CD4042BE\_C5333\.html]( Even though it is shown as an IC, it displays as an IC socket in 3D. And thank you for your help.
andyfierman 1 year ago
You can send an Error Report about the incorrect Footprint and 3D model. Select it then right click on it in the Library list then select "Report Error". I think there is a "Report Error" option in the window you took your screenshot from and another one on the LCSC product page )when viewed on a PC).
aristotles 1 year ago
Thank you, I will. I guess it is not safe to use that part in my design. I will replace it with a plain socket.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@aristotles, Why? Do you actually need a socket? If you want the CD4042 soldered to the board then all you have to do is find a suitable 16 pin DIP footprint and change the footprint assigned to the schematic symbol to that one. Then do **Update PCB...**
aristotles 1 year ago
Thank you. I did just that. I edited an existing one. However, I do not get the image of the IC as in the MC14495. I just get the holes. How/where in the editor can I specify an image? I went through all parameters in MC14495 and my version of BC4042BE and I cannot find the image of the IC to display in 3D.
aristotles 1 year ago
Looks like you have to find the one that has a representation of an IC. When picking a footprint, you can view the footprint but not the image associated with that footprint, until it is displayed in 3D. Am I missing something?
andyfierman 1 year ago
You can copy an existing 3D model, edit it if required or create your own. [](
aristotles 1 year ago
Thank you so much for your help. I was able to accomplish what I wanted. It now looks great. EasyEDA tales a little time to learn, but it is a very powerful tool. ![PCB.jpg](//
BartDP 1 year ago
Is it also possible to show both ( Socket + IC ) in the 3D model ? Do there exist 3D model showing both at the same time ( maybe a generic IC with corresponding socket ) ? Didn't find them until now.
andyfierman 1 year ago
It can be done but it requires that you make a special 3D model for the socket which includes the IC mounted on it. You can use an unedited Footprint for the socket but it is cleaner if you also copy the Footprint for the socket, save it with a unique name and a clear Description and assign your special 3D model to it. Place the socket in the schematic and the IC in the schematic but set the IC "Convert to PCB" attribute to "No" then the PCB will only include the footprint for the socket. By including both the socket and the IC in the schematic with their "Add to BOM" attributes set to "Yes", both will be listed in th BOM. (If you use an unedited socket Footprint then in the PCB assign the special 3D model to the Footprint.)
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