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PCB Assembly messed up
5026 3
luudee 1 year ago
<br> <br> So I had recently a PCB made, and assembled. It came back perfect ! But, when I was placing another order, I noticed that there was a "DFM Analysis" from that project, and I took a quick peek at it. Apparently, JLCPCB guys had to "fix" the placement. Please see this image: <br> ![dfm_err.png](// It appears from this image that the placement was "rotated". However, before placing the order, I DID verify the PCB and placements in the 3D viewer and JLCPCB Gerber viewer. I did not see any such errors. My Question is, what did go wrong ?  How can I avoid this type of errors in the future ? It might be not as obvious on more complex PCBs what needs to be done .. Many Thanks, rudi
andyfierman 1 year ago
Can you post images of what it looks like when you do your own 3D viewer checks?
Senor Blasto 1 year ago
@andyfierman This same thing happened to me recently. Everything looked good in the 3D viewer and on my PCB in the Pro Editor but when I made the order JLC had to fix the file for me for the same reason. What is strange is that this was the 3rd or 4th prototype I have ordered of the same PCB, and it only happened on my "big order"  which worried me but the PCB's came back fine.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@senorblasto, This is probably better posted to - and hopefully answered by - JLCPCB on their forum: [](
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