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Can't label pins in PCB view
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Andrew Toogood 6 years ago
New to this and pulling my hair out. I have cloned an item and given the pins nice names (matches Nano pins) looks good until I do convert to PCB where it does not display all the names, and I can't find a setting to make them visible. I cannot find a way of editing the PCB view the way I did the schimatic view of it and saving it for use in the future. I know it must be possible becuase the Nano item I used has all the items displayed nicley. I must be being thick can anyone help please?
UserSupport 6 years ago
Click the footprint at the PCB, and then set its name visible at the right-hand panel
Andrew Toogood 6 years ago
@UserSupport, thanks for your reply, The name is visible, its the names of the Pins that are not visible i.e. 24 pin Jumper that I want to have the names visible on the board just like it is with many other items in PCB view. There is no visibility setting I could find in PCB view for the pins :(
Andrew Toogood 6 years ago
In schimatic View they show there names![image.png](// PCB View nothing![image.png](//
UserSupport 6 years ago
That depends on the package, if the package didn't place the text to indicate, it won't show on the PCB, you can place the text on the PCB besides the pad ![snipaste_20180709_193357.png](//
andyfierman 6 years ago
@andrew_0156, You cannot make the pin numbers or names of a PCB footprint visible in the PCB editor in the same way as for a schematic symbol in the schematic editor. To add visible pin numbers or names to a PCB footprint they have to be entered into the Silkscreen layer of the footprint at time it is created. They could be edited in later but be careful that if this change is made some time after the initial footprint creation, the new silkscreen of the updated version may overlap into undesirable areas of an existing PCB if that PCB is updated to use the updated footprint. It would be safer to save the modified footprint as a new footprint with a unique name.
andyfierman 6 years ago
To avoid cluttering up the PCB itself, you could put the text for the pin names onto the **Document** layer of the PCB. This layer is not produced as part of the PCB but shows in the PCB Editor view so can be included as part of any assembly or usage documentation.
Andrew Toogood 6 years ago
@andyfierman  thanks but the purpose of the board is to expose the pins with lables as it is a development board so showing is a must.
Andrew Toogood 6 years ago
@UserSupport Hi can this be done once so each time I use it in a project they display, there are many pins and I don't want to do it each time. Thanks
Andrew Toogood 6 years ago
@andyfierman Hi, you mentioned editing the silkscreen for the item where do I do that?
UserSupport 6 years ago
@andrew_0156 You can add the text in the PCB lib.  we won't consider supporting this feature at present. Thanks
andyfierman 6 years ago
@andrew_0156, You can either add the text directly to the silkscreen of your PCB or clone the PCB footprint, save it with a unique name and then edit the silkscreen in that to add the names.
Andrew Toogood 6 years ago
@andyfierman Thanks that is exactly what I want to do, clone (which I thought I did) but I dont know how to edit its silk screen, can you help please? I dont want to have to add 40 txt comments every time I use this part. Other parts have them show up so it must be possible regardless of the @UserSupport comment above.
andyfierman 6 years ago
**Shift+F** Search for the desired PCB footprint then **Clone** it and save it with a unique name. **Shift+F** Search with your unique name to find the cloned part. Then select it in the search results. Click the Edit button to open it for editing, select the Top Silkscreen layer as the active and visible layer and then use the Text editing tool as shown in **UserSupport **2018-07-09 19:34:54 above: ![snipaste_20180709_193357.png]( Follow the advice given in **andyfierman **2018-07-09 20:21:15 "To add visible pin numbers or names to a PCB footprint they have to be entered into the Silkscreen layer of the footprint at time it is created. They could be edited in later but be careful that if this change is made some time after the initial footprint creation, the new silkscreen of the updated version may overlap into undesirable areas of an existing PCB if that PCB is updated to use the updated footprint. It would be safer to save the modified footprint as a new footprint with a unique name." Save the edited part. In your schematic, change the package(s) assigned to the relevant schematic symbols to your new footprints. Save the schematic then do **Update PCB**. For more help see the FAQ and the Tutorial.
Andrew Toogood 6 years ago
@andyfierman Legend! thank you, when I saw above I thought they meant change it every time you use it. Now I realise that it is editing the item. Thank you I will give it a go this weekend.
pietroq 3 years ago
Hi Team, Same problem. Is it still not possible to show the given Pin Names on the PCB Top Silk Layer automatically? Would be much easier, since I have a standard connector 9 times with proper (and different) Pin Names and it wouldn't be fun to add the labels manually... :) If the code is accessible I can add the feature probably (created TINA's schematic editor). Thanks!
andyfierman 3 years ago
@pietroq, You are replying to a 3 year old topic. Please post this as a new topic in the **Feature Request** category. Please also see: [](<br> <br> It may help you to contact Andreas Bernhofer or []( with your idea for an extension to do this. Please see: [](
Venki Govindaiah 3 years ago
@andrew_0156 Sorry for late response.  I had a similar situation and what I did was to copy the label of from any other component on the PCB and paste it back and move it where I wanted and renamed it.  I need to name 2 pins GND and Vcc. That's how I did it.
light24bulbs 2 months ago
It would be \_really\_ cool if the pin names as the symbol could come through as net labels in the schematic\. It's all useful information\. Annoying to build a whole symbol and then just get "1 2 3 4" in the schematic\.
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