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Distribute Array tool needs option to respect prefix order of selected components
1176 0
andyfierman 4 years ago
The Distribute Array tool does not just distribute selected items on a specified grid or in circular segments. It also sorts items into alphabetical Prefix order. This makes the tool useless for positioning a group of components that need to be arranged in a certain way but which must have their prefixes in a fixed way. For example, I have 4 input connectors (P) for a 2 channel voltage controlled amplifier. Each channel has a signal (SIG) and a control voltage (CV) input. To help in understanding the schematic and the PCB, the connectors are prefixed as: PSIG1 PCV1 PSIG2 PCV2 In the PCB it is required to have them arranged vertically in the order shown above with a 20mm spacing between their vertical centres. So the connectors are placed with the required prefix order into approximately in the right places on the PCB and then all 4 are selected and the Distribute Array tool is used to position them exactly. At the end of the process, the positioning is correct but the connectors have been swapped vertically into prefix alphabetical order! PCV1 PCV2 PSIG1 PSIG2 In this usage case the tool is in fact useless. Making the Prefix invisible does not prevent the alphabetical sorting. This is a simple example but in an actual design where I have 6 channels, 4 of which have SIG and CV inputs and two which are just SIG inputs, I need to be able to place them exactly AND in a specific prefx order so the tool is no help at all. In many usage cases for this tool, maybe the the physical and the prefix alphabetical arrangements are the same but the Distribute Array tool should not assume that to be true for all usage cases. There must be an option to respect the existing prefix order of a selection.
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