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Not Connected feature for unconnected pads in Footprints with multiple same-numbered pads on PCB
2781 11
andyfierman 4 years ago
For a footprint like this: [](<br> <br> where the 4 pads on the left side are all pin 1 and the 4 pads on the right side are all pin 2, there will always be ratlines between pads of the same number that are left unconnected by copper. For example here is the footprint with one of the pin 1 pads (along the top row) connected to a track with the net name of BOO and one of the pin 2 pads (along the bottom row) connected to a track with the net name of JUMS. ![image.png](// As long as the user is aware of why the ratlines appear, and they can safely ignore the DRC warnings that they generate. In the Schematic Editor it is possible to mark unconnected pins on a Schematic Symbol with a green X and these are then ignored by the Design Manager as **Not Connected** nets. A nice feature In the PCB Editor would be to make it possible to mark unconnected pads with the same number as those that are connected on a Footprint in a PCB to tell the Editor that it does not need to connect them with Ratlines and to tell the Design Manager to ignore them so that they do not generate DRC warnings about Incomplete Nets. Edit: 210917; Here's an example of a situation where this feature is necessary: [](<br> <br> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">Edit: 220104; </span><br> <br> <span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">Corrected a couple of typos.</span>
UserSupport 4 years ago
I believe that the best way is modify the footprint, make the pads connect to each other. such as ![图片.png](//
EdHayes3 4 years ago
There may be a need to rout a trace between pads.
Paweł Iwanowski 4 years ago
I am also having the same issue with  board having multiple ground reference pins. I keep having ratlines and DRC errors for pins I know 100% they are electrically connected on the module. Unfortunately I cannot find the way to include that in the design so I won't get DRC errors.
Paweł Iwanowski 4 years ago
Example of module: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
@kontakt_4445, This might be the problem with this part. The Schematic Symbol has a **MINI_360** Footprint assigned to it: ![image.png](// whereas the Footprint that should be assigned to it is the **MINI360**. ![image.png](// If I check the footprint assigned to the symbol using the Footprint manager it turns out that it has not been properly completed as there is no footprint shown up in the manager: ![image.png](// The symbol has 3 pins labelled: 1 (IN+), 2 (OUT+) and 3 (GND). The PCB Footprint has 4 physical pins but the pad numbers are: 1 (IN+), 2 (OUT+), 3 (IN-) and 3 (OUT-). If I reassign the MINI360 footprint to the symbol then I get: ![image.png](// Which correctly maps the symbol pins onto the footprint pads. For more help you will need to make a copy of the area of your project public to see what else might be happening. <br> <br>
Jim Shank 4 years ago
Here's a very complete component that exhibits the same issue - [](<br> <br> The pins are internally connected but the net checks fail because they don't appear connected on the PCB. I can either ignore the net checks (dangerous) or add traces to connect them (inefficient). My current process is to connect them with traces, make sure net checks pass and then delete ONLY the redundant traces, then re-run the GND copper area. Not great. This feature should definitely be added.
TheGoofy 4 years ago
I desperately miss such a feature Actually there are tons of devices with internally connected pads: \- TO\-220 \(middle pad and tab\) \- SMT mosfets with SOIC8\-case \(1 pad for G\, 3 pads for S\, 4 pads for D\) \- Tactile switch \(mentioned above\) \- Voltage regulator AMS1117 \(middle pad and tab\) It would be really nice, if these componends can be connected in the schematic with single functional pins and in the pcb-layout, I'd like to be able to freely choose 1 or more from the internally connected pads. Actually the missing feature also causes that there are "ugly" schematic symbols needed. A funny component with 8 pins, but schematically it would be much simpler to read, if it only had 3 pins: ![image.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
@TheGoofy, Please see my reply to your post in: [](
wm8s 2 years ago
Has this been added? I've seen lots of people ask more or less the same question, some even exactly my problem: I'd like to make a Raspberry Pi hat.  The 2x20 pin connector that connects my hat's PCB to the Pi's GPIO connector has multiple pins on the same net. They are connected internally to the Pi, and I do **_NOT_** want to connect them also externally (to avoid ground loops and other nasties; arguing about the propriety of this is no help).  Specifically, for example, pin 1 and pin 17 are both on the 3.3VDC net;  they are already connected _inside the Pi_, and I do **_NOT_**want to duplicate this circuit by connecting the pins externally.  Worse, I want to route traces in the area that the autorouter insists on blocking by routing a wholly unwanted track between these two pins. Is there a workaround that I'm missing?
tokyodave 6 months ago
This kind of pad aliasing is extremely common in switches.  I have it also in button battery holder hardware. It is not a serious option to manually add traces to the board, cluttering up the board, when in fact the connections are already made internal to the components.
tokyodave 6 months ago
@wm8s The workaround I've considered is to label the component pins as independent pins, and then choose the pins to use in the PCB and reflect that in the schematic.
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