For a footprint like this:
where the 4 pads on the left side are all pin 1 and the 4 pads on the right side are all pin 2, there will always be ratlines between pads of the same number that are left unconnected by copper.
For example here is the footprint with one of the pin 1 pads (along the top row) connected to a track with the net name of BOO and one of the pin 2 pads (along the bottom row) connected to a track with the net name of JUMS.

As long as the user is aware of why the ratlines appear, and they can safely ignore the DRC warnings that they generate.
In the Schematic Editor it is possible to mark unconnected pins on a Schematic Symbol with a green X and these are then ignored by the Design Manager as **Not Connected** nets.
A nice feature In the PCB Editor would be to make it possible to mark unconnected pads with the same number as those that are connected on a Footprint in a PCB to tell the Editor that it does not need to connect them with Ratlines and to tell the Design Manager to ignore them so that they do not generate DRC warnings about Incomplete Nets.
Edit: 210917;
Here's an example of a situation where this feature is necessary:
<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">Edit: 220104; </span><br>
<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(85, 85, 85);">Corrected a couple of typos.</span>