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STD Arduino Automatic Plant Watering System copy

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from Arduino Automatic Plant Watering System

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Update time: 2019-11-05 01:42:52
Creation time: 2019-11-03 19:36:59
Sprout is a Modern Indoor Planter which automatically waters your plants, herbs, vegetables, etc and will revolutionize your gardening game. **YouTube Video Tutorial**: [ Jonty - Arduino Automatic Plant Watering System](https://youtu.be/lRu-Z6gGrvc) **Step-by-Step Instructions**: [Instructables - Arduino Automatic Plant Watering System](https://www.instructables.com/id/Sprout-Modern-Indoor-Self-Watering-Planter/) **Code**: [GitHub](https://github.com/jonathanrjpereira/Automatic-Plant-Watering-System-using-Arduino) It consists of an integrated water reservoir from which water is pumped & keeps the plant's soil hydrated. A soil moisture sensor is calibrated such that it periodically measures the moisture of the soil thereby regulating the water flow. If the soil is too dry, the water pump automatically switches ON and goes OFF when the soil moisture has reached the desired level. If you're the person who underwaters their plants, Sprout will ensure you will never have to worry about being a bad gardener again. And if you're the sort of person who overwaters their plants to compensate for absenteeism, it means your not in danger of drowning your plants or seeds. Sprout's water reservoir capacity is around 500 ml / 17 fl oz, which allows you to neglect your plants for as long as a month before it needs a refill.
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