You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Gauthier Östervall
Cannot import 3D obj file
posted by Gauthier Östervall , 2 years ago. replied by Osmar Ediber Toloza Bernal , 3 months ago.
1463 2
Z-axis milling
posted by tiger54 , 2 years ago. replied by Xenons , 2 years ago.
1057 9
Some misc questions
posted by Bob11746 , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
526 8
2n2907 transistor wrong simulation results
posted by alfonso.ramirez , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
994 5
Components In 3D
posted by repit , 2 years ago. replied by repit , 2 years ago.
288 4
Lolin D1 Mini V4.0.0 support
posted by netdudeuk , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
508 5
Cloning not working
posted by w4mmp , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
390 6
Determining PCB Size In CM Or MM
posted by BengaliLegend , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
261 1
Peter Sellers
Footprint Naming Rule
posted by Peter Sellers , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
453 1
Thermal vias are not plated
posted by lyseoy , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
1006 6
update PCB weird behavior
posted by jaka87 , 2 years ago.
289 0
STEP Model
posted by bijanmohandes , 2 years ago.
243 0
bryan costanich
Full Paste Mask on Pad
posted by bryan costanich , 2 years ago. replied by bryan costanich , 2 years ago.
339 3
Mike Way
Auto Router Server Failure to Connect
posted by Mike Way , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
315 2
Router Server Down?
posted by geoffpeters , 2 years ago. replied by geoffpeters , 2 years ago.
287 3
godfrey chu
Incorrect Pin Placement on U262-061N-4BVC11 Footprint
posted by godfrey chu , 2 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 2 years ago.
295 3
Copper area
posted by Ovemand , 2 years ago. replied by Ovemand , 2 years ago.
305 3
Removing portion of connecting pad to copper plane.
posted by tedems , 2 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 2 years ago.
298 2
How to make add plated through hole.
posted by saadshabir103 , 2 years ago. replied by saadshabir103 , 2 years ago.
1299 2
Find location of alignment holes within a component
posted by TechnoGilles , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
341 7
solid region net merge
posted by kenneth_howlett , 2 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 2 years ago.
428 1
send to back
posted by paterlini48 , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
249 1
449 1
PCB layout mega
posted by divago , 2 years ago. replied by divago , 2 years ago.
271 2
posted by paterlini48 , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
284 5
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