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Footprint Naming Rule
516 1
Peter Sellers 2 years ago
Hi, could anybody help with the right footprint naming of this terminal (Wago 256-50x): In my case x=8 (numbers of terminals) ![Screenshot from 2022-04-04 17-55-12.png](// CONN\-TH\_xP\-P7\.62\_256\-50x or CONN\-TH\_xP\-P7\.50\_256\-50x or CONN\-TH\_xP\-P5\.0\_256\-50x or something completely different. One importent thing every terminal have 2 pins, connected together. How should the symbol on the schematic look? Suggestions are welcome. Thank you for your effort. BR Peter
andyfierman 2 years ago
The EasyEDA footprint naming rule is OK for simple fairly generic parts but for complex components such as these I would recommend naming both the footprint and a dedicated symbol including the Wago name and part number of the assembled connector. Otherwise nobody will be able to find it in the library. :) The adjustable 7.50mm to 7.62mm (7.5mm to 0.3 inch) stacking width also makes things more complex so anyone not familiar with the product range really need to study the datasheet before slapping these down in a design: see: ![image.png](// in: [](<br> <br> So I suggest: CONN\-TH\_xP\-P5\.0\_pin\_by\_P7\.50\_to\_P7\.62\_stack\_WAGO\_256\-50x Both pins in each slice are connected together inside the slice so they are electrically the same. Make the footprint so that both pins on each slice have the same number. So if it's a 3 way connector which will have 6 physical pins, number both pins on the first slice as 1, then the next pair in the next slice as 2 and the pair in the last slice as 3. Save the footprint with a clear Description and a link the Wago datasheet. Then symbol can be any old single row header because each slice needs only one pin to represent it in the schematic but save a copy with the footprint assigned to it and name it the same part number as the footprint with a clear Description and a link the Wago datasheet. Then you have a dedicated clearly described and clearly searchable symbol and footprint. For more info on this and also about how to deal with the end cheeks that you will need (which are part of the final physical assembly but which need to be referenced separately from the basic connector in the BOM and are not electrically part of the schematic), you may find it helpful to read (2.2) - including the examples in the Appendix A - plus (2.3) in (2) in: [](<br> <br> and: [](
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