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How to make cut through slots in PCB to make distance gap for high voltage application
1035 4
ypasindu 2 years ago
Dear team, I was wondering if anyone knows how to draw the high voltage isolation slots in EASY EDA. I tried to select the board outline layer and draw in the mid of the PCB but no matter how much I try to increase the width of the line it wasn't shown in the 3D view or Garber view. Please help me.! :)
andyfierman 2 years ago
Two options. 1. Draw the slots in the Board Outline layer using the Track tool to create the outline. 2. Use the Solid Region tool set to Cutout to define the slots.
ypasindu 2 years ago
Thanks Andy.! Yes I did it and it works :D , but when I send the garber file to JLCPCB, they find out that Board outline layer was missing. Do we have any other solution ?
andyfierman 2 years ago
Can you share your project with me (Add member) so I can see what the problem might be?
andyfierman 2 years ago
There are several ways to create slots in a PCB using EasyEDA Std: 1. Draw the shape of the slots in the Board Outline layer using the Track tool to create the outline; 2. Draw the slots using the Track tool set to the required width of the slot then right-click the track and select Convert to Board Cutout; 3. Place a Multi-layer Pad, select **Shape** = Round, **Hole Shape** = Slot and then set **Hole(D)** = width of the slot, **Hole(Length)** = slot length, **Plated** = No, **Height** = 0.5 x the value entered for Hole(D). Note that for a Round pad, Width = Height; 4. Use the Solid Region tool set to Board Cutout to define the slots.
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