You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Juan Felipe Maldonado
Copper Area Wont Fill
posted by Juan Felipe Maldonado , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
1434 8
Layers Tool flashing
posted by danielh , 5 years ago. replied by danielh , 5 years ago.
262 2
442 15
posted by GastonMelo , 5 years ago. replied by GastonMelo , 5 years ago.
558 12
local router install + not working
posted by Showtown , 5 years ago. replied by Showtown , 5 years ago.
1585 4
Encapsulated problem QFN "PIC18F26K22T-IML"
posted by CabronTK , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
511 1
Mike Primeaux
pcb design
posted by Mike Primeaux , 5 years ago. replied by MikeDB , 5 years ago.
283 1
628 7
Copper fill with pads with large solder masks.
posted by eddies , 5 years ago. replied by eddies , 5 years ago.
714 3
Глюк с дорожкой
posted by Artos5 , 5 years ago. replied by Artos5 , 5 years ago.
898 9
micro-usb on PCB
posted by Myrmecologue , 5 years ago. replied by MikeDB , 5 years ago.
506 1
posted by KrisJeff , 5 years ago. replied by KrisJeff , 5 years ago.
373 10
Maryam Magdy
Do ground traces need to be as wide as Vcc traces?
posted by Maryam Magdy , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
523 6
Maryam Magdy
Basic: How to connect ground nodes to ground plane?
posted by Maryam Magdy , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
1676 1
PCB Lib With Thermal Vias
posted by peternarbus , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
802 2
clearence error
posted by GastonMelo , 5 years ago. replied by GastonMelo , 5 years ago.
581 3
How to connect only 2 layers out of 4 layer pcb
posted by electrocuted , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
1173 4
stefan miric
Need little tip for PCB drill path
posted by stefan miric , 5 years ago. replied by stefan miric , 5 years ago.
1700 8
4 layer board
posted by GastonMelo , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
725 3
PCB Will Not Autoroute
posted by peternarbus , 5 years ago. replied by peternarbus , 5 years ago.
563 6
Is impossible to create SMD pad
posted by slavazar , 5 years ago. replied by slavazar , 5 years ago.
462 2
copying tracks onto solder mask layer
posted by MikeDB , 5 years ago. replied by MikeDB , 5 years ago.
770 2
Please help to test the new EasyEDA-Router-v0.8
posted by UserSupport , 5 years ago. replied by phamduyscb , 5 years ago.
1098 6
Ground planing is broken
posted by MikeDB , 5 years ago. replied by MikeDB , 5 years ago.
500 2
Please give me some tips for my pcb design
posted by RubenNanda , 5 years ago. replied by RubenNanda , 5 years ago.
717 10
Changing DRC rules for small part of a net
posted by MikeDB , 5 years ago. replied by MikeDB , 5 years ago.
1151 4
How to generate layout from schematic
posted by diegodad , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
511 5
A way to break a track and delete a section?
posted by speedv15 , 5 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 5 years ago.
765 1
Aaaaaahhhhh! - SN65C1168NSR - wrong footprint!!
posted by Muzzer , 5 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 5 years ago.
405 1
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