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How to connect only 2 layers out of 4 layer pcb
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electrocuted 6 years ago
Hi everyone, i am trying to build a 4 layer pcb where i need to connect bottom layer and inner layer using via. i want to keep the other two layers separate. please Help as to how this can be done.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Sorry but you have not given enough information to answer your question. If you follow the Design Flow in the Tutorial then you will have created a schematic first then converted that to an unrouted PCB. Then you route in the copper tracks to connect up the pads as indicated by the thin, blue ratlines. The choice of which layer you route on can be selected in the Layers floating pallette or in the right hand panel "Layer" attribute. If you click once to mark the current end of a track and then change layer using the right hand panel, a Via should automatically be placed and the routing will continue on the new layer. Please note that whilst it is possible to create a PCB without a schematic using the Connect Pad to Pad tool ([https://easyeda\.com/forum/topic/How\_does\_the\_Connect\_Pad\_to\_Pad\_tool\_work\_\-JgQO0Ay7H](, we strongly recommend that you do not and instead use the Design Flow.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Also: If you click once to mark the current end of a track and then change layer using the T (Top), B (Bottom), 1 (Inner Layer 1) or 2 (Inner Layer 2) ShortCut keys a Via should automatically be placed and the routing will continue on the new layer.
electrocuted 6 years ago
Thank you for the reply. i will try what you have suggested and get back to you.
andyfierman 6 years ago
For more advice on using EasyEDA and EDA use in general, please see: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f]( :)
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