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Changing DRC rules for small part of a net
1277 4
MikeDB 6 years ago
I've implemented a thin winding track in the source of a power MOSFET to sense the current in that MOSFET.  Other end of course goes to 0V.  DRC rule on ground is set to min width 50mil which I don't want to change.  But this track is 15mil thick to give enough resistance over its 6 inch length.   Obviously it counts as part of the 0V net but is there any way to set it such that this part of the net doesn't fail DRC for min width all the time ?
andyfierman 6 years ago
As discussed elsewhere in the forum, it is possible to temporarliy rename segments of nets so you could apply a different rule to the renamed segment but that really only swaps the DRC error about minimum width for a DRC error about misconnected nets. Another possibility is to design the segment of net that you want to use as a current sense resistor and then create a dedicated schematic symbol and an associated PCB footprint for it. Then you can place it in the schematic, update the pcb to pull the footprint in and place it where yuo want and the DRC won't care about the width because it sees it as a footprint not a track. A lot of work and very inflexible because you can't change the routing if you need to but it does avoid a DRC error.
MikeDB 6 years ago
Ah ok - option 2 works.  Bit of a restriction not being able to declare high and low current parts of a net though - most other PCB tools had that a long time ago.
andyfierman 6 years ago
Feature Request? :)
MikeDB 6 years ago
@andyfierman Still waiting for any feedback on the other ones I suggested.  They are fixing the ultra-thin ground plane issue though
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