You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
3D import File support
posted by bijanmohandes , 2 years ago.
306 0
3D import File support
posted by bijanmohandes , 2 years ago.
315 0
Via or Pad Ground connection setting
posted by bijanmohandes , 2 years ago. replied by bijanmohandes , 2 years ago.
1022 4
Searchable manufacturing part number
posted by glenn_franco , 3 years ago. replied by glenn_franco , 2 years ago.
630 3
Inner layers to "planes"
posted by terry8345 , 2 years ago. replied by rehsd , 2 years ago.
467 2
Randy Principe
11 X 17 Schematic templates
posted by Randy Principe , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
396 1
Zaal Azmaiparashvili
zaal azmaiparashvili
posted by Zaal Azmaiparashvili , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
339 1
Checking Schematic for net connections
posted by Lesliev , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
1468 3
Spice Simulation Components
posted by Lesliev , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
714 1
Solder mask
posted by melvin2001 , 6 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
2655 6
I need the part number of this connector, please
posted by Ralle_Far , 2 years ago. replied by jalsop , 2 years ago.
4756 10
Lowpass simulation isn't correct
posted by cider101 , 2 years ago. replied by cider101 , 2 years ago.
362 3
how to remove excess copper on a pcb plate?
posted by zasik__ , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
348 2
Can't find schematic
posted by Bob11746 , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
600 3
Artem Rodichkin
JLCPCB SMT minimum quantity
posted by Artem Rodichkin , 2 years ago. replied by bwinter , 2 years ago.
1179 6
Two copper areas of the same net throws net connection error
posted by cjohnson , 5 years ago. replied by Franz Beni , 2 years ago.
1142 19
routing suddenly not allowed/blocked
posted by quadcorei8085 , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
628 4
new created symbol
posted by mohkam , 2 years ago. replied by mohkam , 2 years ago.
335 4
posted by andiserax , 2 years ago. replied by andiserax , 2 years ago.
1141 4
Ian Scott
Autorouter will not route for one project
posted by Ian Scott , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
393 4
Mehrdad Rezai
Can somebody help me with a Gerber file
posted by Mehrdad Rezai , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
472 3
Added new models 172339-1 and 172331-1
posted by , 3 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
842 14
I can not upload the Altium file at all
posted by farsielectronic , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
354 1
thru hole schematic and pcb
posted by 0001Jimbo , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
341 1
Faraz Anwar
Import KiCAD 6.0 files in EasyEDA
posted by Faraz Anwar , 2 years ago. replied by Thorsten Stüker , 2 years ago.
1318 1
Tamás Juhász
Resizing holes
posted by Tamás Juhász , 2 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 2 years ago.
539 7
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