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Can't find schematic
650 3
Bob11746 3 years ago
I am almost finished with schematic/pcb project.  I had many variants and I decided to clean up some schematic and PCB names.  Not I can't link my PCB to a schematic.  When I  do an "import changes" within the PCB I get it can't find the schematic.  How do I relink these two files?
andyfierman 3 years ago
Not sure how to "properly" recover from this. Have you tried doing Update PCB... from the schematic instead? Try creating a new PCB in the same project, then just delete something in the new PCB.  Save it and then go back to the schematic and do Update PCB... That might give you a question of which PCB you want to update so that you can select your original. Another option might be to do Reset Component ID in both the schematic and the PCB. Probably best to clone the project first and do it on the clone just in case... :)
Bob11746 3 years ago
Andy, I am not sure what I did, but it relinked.  I may have backed out of the project completely and then went back in.  Very scary, I have a lot of work at risk.  I was hoping for something like a properties page where the name of the schematic would be highlighted, this way you can force the PCB to look at the schematic you want. Also, in a similar vein, when I update a part, even just the outline, the part can be "updated" from the schematic, but on the PCB side it rips up the part, and if you are lucky the traces are still there, but you have to physically move the part back into place, and then the traces don't 'snap' back into the pins.  Am I doing something wrong? Bob
andyfierman 3 years ago
"...when I update a part, even just the outline..." If by outline you mean the Footprint then yes it will be placed off at the board edge and you will have to reposition it and reroute the tracks to it.
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