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Two copper areas of the same net throws net connection error
1157 19
cjohnson 6 years ago
We are laying out a board with some complicated plane areas. The copper areas are needed to be drawn in multiple sections, and where the multiple areas meet we are overlapping the planes. Everything looks to be connected but we are getting a net connection error between pins on the separate copper areas as shown below. You can see the parting line in the image between the two copper areas. ![image.png](//
andyfierman 6 years ago
Is the error about the copper areas or is it about, for example, the ground end pads of R6 and C4 not being connected? If you run a track between them does the error clear?
cjohnson 6 years ago
So if you look at the seam line of the two copper areas, the pad of R6 and the pad of C4 are on different copper areas. The copper is the same net but it shows them as not connected. If I run a trace between R6 and C4 the DRC error goes away. There's a 3rd copper area and anything between that copper and either of the coppers in this example show as not connected as well. I'll setup an example for you to see in a minute.
cjohnson 6 years ago
Here's a minimal component example. [](
cjohnson 6 years ago
So I opened my own example in a web browser and was prompted to update to the newest version. The error doesn't occur in there. In the desktop client I haven't been prompted to update, and the error still occurs.
cjohnson 6 years ago
Sorry, the error does still occur in the web browser as well and both of my clients (web and desktop client) are on version 5.9.41
andyfierman 6 years ago
@cjohnson, Thanks for the nice example... ...but it seems OK in my browser: ![image.png](//
cjohnson 6 years ago
You may want to try creating your own example. When I first created it, the nets showed as not connected. Now if I reopen it, they are connected.
andyfierman 6 years ago
So Save, Close then Reopen clears the errors?
andyfierman 6 years ago
@cjohnson, @UserSupport, OK. I can confirm the issue. As you suggested, I re-created your example from scratch. As first laid out shows an unconnected net error as you describe: ![image.png](// Close it. Reopen it. Just the same: ![image.png](// Track the two pads together and it's all OK: ![image.png](//
UserSupport 5 years ago
@andyfierman  @cjohnson It is a known issue, we will fix it at v6.1 thank you
cjohnson 5 years ago
Thanks for the update, whats the road map for when v6.1 will be released?
mijnmodelbaan 4 years ago
Hi guys, I think this problem is back again. I'm using version 6.3.39 and having the same problem, it seems. In my case I have 2 copper areas on the bottom layer and a third one that's connecting (overlapping) both of them. They all have the same net (GND) and the same name (also GND). Tried with different names to no-avail. ![Annotation 2020-04-28 165600.png](// Rebuilt the copper areas (shift+b) several times, but still showing a net error and a ratline. Also closing the project and the editor doesn't solve the problem. Thanks in advance for suggestions how to solve this.. BR//Willem.
andyfierman 4 years ago
I can confirm this. Both Copper Areas are net named GND. Note also that there is something odd about how the Copper Area does not fill the outline: 1. even though there are no other objects nearby; 2. differently in the two areas: ![image.png](//
mijnmodelbaan 4 years ago
In my case all 3 copper areas are completely filled.
TrebleWing 3 years ago
This still hasn't been fixed, and is extremely annoying to deal with in editing.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Can you post some screenshots?
Franz Beni 2 years ago
Same problem - a track solves the problem - at first there was no problem but suddently it happened - had the problem few times already ![grafik.png](//
Franz Beni 2 years ago
i sometimes have the problem that the copper area is above the silkscreen -> e.g. "R7" is not readable because it is hidden under the copper area (in the 2D/3D viewer it is correctly shown)
Franz Beni 2 years ago
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