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I need the part number of this connector, please
5228 10
Ralle_Far 3 years ago
It´s a female pin header. single row, 8 pins. the pin is 11mm tall ![image.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
You need to go back to where you find this part and try to find a link to a datasheet. To find a part that matches this you need to know the pin spacing (pitch); Pin length; Pin diameter (width across the diagonal for a square pin); Moulding height; Moulding width; Moulding length. You have already got a pin length. You can estimate that this is a 0.1 inch pitch. You can also estimate the pin width (and therefore calculate the diagonal) and the moulding height and length but not width. For an accurate design however you should not rely on estimates. You should not guess: you should know. If you cannot find a datasheet or make accurate measurements for this part then you should choose a different part for which you can get high quality electrical and dimensional data.
andyfierman 3 years ago
It would have been more useful if the rulers were graduated in mm and 0.1 inch instead of cm and 1/16th inch.
andyfierman 3 years ago
You may find it helpful to read (2.3) in (2) in: [](
Ralle_Far 3 years ago
Thank You andy!
Ralle_Far 3 years ago
This is the datasheet ![image.png](//
bwinter 3 years ago
Looks to be very close to a Samtec TSW-114-09 or HTSW-114-09
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Ralle_Far, You asked for the part number. What part number? * An LCSC part number? * A part number of an equivalent? * The original manufacturer's part number? You asked for the part number for an 8 pin header. Your image shows 6 pins. Please  confirm the number of pins.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Ralle_Far, I have tried searching EasyEDA, and the LCSC and JLCPCB sites for: 4UCON 18689 but nothing shows up. You need to find an equivalent from
Ralle_Far 3 years ago
@andyfierman Hi, I need to put this on a PCB. I´m Using EasyEDA and I can´t find the LCSC part number. I need 3 headers: 6 pin, 8 pin and 10pin Thank You for your help
jalsop 2 years ago
LCSC p/n C2897371 is the closest I could find in a quick search.
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