You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Oval shaped pads without holes when exported
posted by lucalcin , 7 years ago. replied by lucalcin , 7 years ago.
1489 2
In Parts DIalog/My Parts Button, there are empty folders
posted by lynxlabeling , 7 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 7 years ago.
736 1
Skip Nets not working as it should
posted by dbrouwer , 7 years ago. replied by dbrouwer , 6 years ago.
950 6
My long list of gripes
posted by terryjmyers , 7 years ago. replied by terryjmyers , 7 years ago.
1012 9
Unable to upload Exported Altium file to CircuitHub
posted by hwiguna , 7 years ago. replied by dillon , 7 years ago.
1056 4
EasyEDA Gerber Generator creates errors!
posted by koosjr , 7 years ago. replied by koosjr , 7 years ago.
912 3
Photo View renders all of Solder Mask aperture as copper
posted by andyfierman , 7 years ago. replied by dillon , 7 years ago.
1031 1
Projects Broken
posted by gregreenwood , 7 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 7 years ago.
672 2
Design Manager Always Open to Components
posted by lynxlabeling , 7 years ago. replied by lynxlabeling , 7 years ago.
1223 3
Copper area issue for UFQFPN-20
posted by thepigs , 7 years ago. replied by thepigs , 7 years ago.
1769 5
Annotate doesn't work across multiple schematics
posted by markwills1970 , 7 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 6 years ago.
1645 6
Export schematic netlist for PCB is broken
posted by andyfierman , 7 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 7 years ago.
1547 2
Rebuild copper layer problem - V4.11.9
posted by FrankCA , 7 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 7 years ago.
1716 5
Wrong PCB export - tracks missing
posted by ban.relayer , 7 years ago. replied by ban.relayer , 7 years ago.
1325 3
PCB Bottom layer snapping to top layer
posted by minn0w , 7 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 7 years ago.
818 1
posted by Sovi , 7 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 7 years ago.
1114 2
Max Text Length
posted by gamerpaddy , 7 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 7 years ago.
630 3
Possible bug in EasyEDA PCB design software
posted by download13 , 7 years ago. replied by koosjr , 7 years ago.
2042 14
Waveform / Simulation just a blank / white screen
posted by bramvk , 7 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 7 years ago.
1523 14
Word wrapping in Forum
posted by minn0w , 7 years ago.
472 0
`Super Menu > Miscellaneous > Annotate` is broken
posted by andyfierman , 7 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 7 years ago.
966 1
Unable to import altium file to easyeda
posted by aaronyong , 7 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 7 years ago.
1305 6
Cannot export to Altium
posted by cheng.s.eric , 7 years ago. replied by Tutorials , 7 years ago.
2064 17
Error -cant convert schematic to PCB (duplicate schematics)
posted by FrankCA , 7 years ago. replied by FrankCA , 7 years ago.
1093 5
network error when saving schematic
posted by tvoght , 7 years ago. replied by tvoght , 7 years ago.
1030 12
Error in Connection of Relay in PCB
posted by susej123 , 7 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 7 years ago.
749 1
Gerber Viewer Appears to be Broken
posted by garrettwfails , 7 years ago. replied by garrettwfails , 7 years ago.
999 5
Schematic symbol pin names and editing a mess
posted by jms019 , 7 years ago. replied by jms019 , 7 years ago.
767 2
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