You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
In Sim mode: cannot select and place Supply Flags from EELib
posted by andyfierman , 5 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 5 years ago.
912 1
Clearance issue (or bug) ?
posted by Paolo35 , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 3 years ago.
1122 15
Depth milling
posted by pioneer.asc , 5 years ago. replied by pioneer.asc , 5 years ago.
473 2
Saved Frequently - Lost it all anyway
posted by swlehr , 5 years ago. replied by example , 5 years ago.
431 7
DRC Track width errors
posted by AbbottFleur , 5 years ago. replied by example , 5 years ago.
574 7
5 of the same schematics one on PCB
posted by gcmtechs , 5 years ago. replied by example , 5 years ago.
353 3
Changing font size for better readability
posted by djehaf , 5 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 5 years ago.
1229 2
Importing image is simplified to being unusable
posted by thematthewknot , 5 years ago. replied by thematthewknot , 4 years ago.
1028 3
Multiple PCBs with different Schematics in one Project
posted by tachchen , 5 years ago. replied by UserSupport , 2 years ago.
9035 14
Andrey Fedorov
959 7
Mac OS touchpad gestures support
posted by YBK0 , 5 years ago. replied by haidy_easyeda , 3 months ago.
1453 4
498 0
3D Model color is just WHITE
posted by DARIOELJATIB , 5 years ago. replied by IRRElectronica , 2 years ago.
2123 7
Songpakorn Punongong
921 4
Bagus Ramadhan
What does the x sign mean for nets ?
posted by Bagus Ramadhan , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
1072 1
4 ideas for functions in PCB design
posted by Hypno , 5 years ago. replied by Hypno , 5 years ago.
761 2
Error creating a PCB 3D lib - NOT WORKING
posted by DARIOELJATIB , 5 years ago. replied by DARIOELJATIB , 4 years ago.
1461 5
GND tracks have disappeared
posted by acutetech , 5 years ago. replied by acutetech , 5 years ago.
492 1
I would like to name the nets
posted by HICOCO , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
850 3
Project Renaming
posted by DavidCook284 , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
1149 1
Ffhfjgd Jdbhf
ground and vcc not placed
posted by Ffhfjgd Jdbhf , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
766 1
help with copper pour
posted by gordonash18 , 5 years ago. replied by andyfierman , 5 years ago.
2046 9
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