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Autorouter 8.10 stops with failed connections when component pads are smaller than design roule for network.
1402 5
Henrik Larsen 5 years ago
One thing is that the Auto router stops with failed onnections, but it fails also other connections to affected components, where those connections are not breaking design rules due to thickness. May i suggest that the Autorouter routes as far as it can, and leaves the final bit sitting loose, for the user to fix those connections, and the autorouter still try finish routing as much as possible. I would rather have a fully routed board with some connections missing near the affected components, instead as the now sometimes very incompletely routed board. See image below. U2 is not routed, even if some connections could have been finished. Also the fat lines could have been routed to the very area quite near the connection destination. Finally look at the blue line between d2 and u2. It has been curled somehow by the autorouter. Very strange. ![EasyEDA Autorouter stop with failed connections.png](//
Henrik Larsen 5 years ago
Found the latest autorouter 8.11 and is trying it out now.
MiniMax 5 years ago
Hello Henrik, where have you found the autorouter 8.11? Please let us know ... regards Carsten
Andrey Fedorov 5 years ago
@maximumiq I couldn't find 8.11 autorouter. Where can I get it?
Henrik Larsen 5 years ago
I found a thread where other users asked for the latest AR. Then support created a link for latest Autorouter, which is this: [](
moulic27 5 years ago
The auto router does not route more than 46 % in my case. Tried the above link to the latest ZIP file and the result is the same. Is there a way we can switch to the older version as i can remember it was work perfect.
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