You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Circuit: ** Sheet_1 ** Fatal Error: Unknown subcircuit called in: xu1 gnd u1_2 u1_2 vcc u1_5 u1_2 u1_2 vcc ne555p
4269 4
elasa group 5 years ago
Hi: I am newbie in EasyEda,so I have the same problem like: []( so i cannot find any information how could i add one simulation property to for example IC555 in my EasyEDA Schematic file as you could see here: [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#mode=sim\,id=\|159679bb4bae460baca0f562db2247ec\|03eda222e44e40ac91aae4c09fb44163\|e89fc4c974714cd0b522615621da1138](,id=%7C159679bb4bae460baca0f562db2247ec%7C03eda222e44e40ac91aae4c09fb44163%7Ce89fc4c974714cd0b522615621da1138) So i searched  via internet and find [some instruction]( to work with simulation and based of those i have made one like this which could be done: [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#mode=sim\,id=\|159679bb4bae460baca0f562db2247ec\|03eda222e44e40ac91aae4c09fb44163\|e89fc4c974714cd0b522615621da1138](,id=%7C159679bb4bae460baca0f562db2247ec%7C03eda222e44e40ac91aae4c09fb44163%7Ce89fc4c974714cd0b522615621da1138) As [here]( ([“Unknown subcircuit” in LTSpiceXVII)]( said : > LTSpice can't find the sub-circuit for the device how can i change those for simulation, SO could you give me some advice to do it? This Question link in [StackExhcange]( forum. Thanks.
andyfierman 5 years ago
You are using symbols that have no simulation model attached to them. Please read  (3) in (2) in: []( Use the 555\_BJT\_EE spice symbol and diodes from the EElib with the editor in Sim mode\. Note however that you need to make some corrections  to your schematic before you think about trying to simulate it. Your circuit will not work anyway because you have shorted the Trigger, Threshold, Discharge and Output pins together. You have also clamped the Output to a diode drop above ground because D3 is the wrong way round.
andyfierman 5 years ago
This is a project that demonstrates the use of the EasyEDA 555\_BJT\_EE spice symbol and associated model: [](
farizahari80 2 years ago
hi.. do u have a sample for a half adder circuit
andyfierman 2 years ago
@farizahari80, Now in the Commonly Used Parts library (was EElib). If you just want a schematic  for a half adder then the internet is your friend.
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