You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
EasyEDA V6.2.46 doesn't let to make some simple manual traces
900 7
Andrey Fedorov 4 years ago
There are some strange things occurs when I try to make manual tracing. When I try to connect a trace to the pad, EasyEDA doesn't let to finish the connection. It stops just before the pin and I can't connect a trace to the pad. What's wrong? ![Example.png](//
UserSupport 4 years ago
You must make sure the pad's net is the same
Andrey Fedorov 4 years ago
@UserSupport thnk you for the response. The net should be the same, it's GND pin and EasyEDA shows ribbon line to the pin. I checked it in the Design manager selecting GND net. It's really strange. I upgraded the version of Easy EDA and autorouter and the behavior gets complete different. ![Annotation 2019-11-04 085324.png](//
andyfierman 4 years ago
@fedorov, Can you make and post url to a public project that demonstrates this issue?
UserSupport 4 years ago
when you ungroup this part, you will see there are some pads doesn't have same net ![图片.png](//
Andrey Fedorov 4 years ago
@UserSupport Thank. You are really geniuses !!! I could not even imagine that such a mistake was in the component that I borrowed.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@fedorov, If you find a mistake in a Schematic Symbol (SCHLib) or PCB Footprint (PCBLib), please select it in the Search Libraries tool then Right-click > Report Error. Thanks.
andyfierman 4 years ago
You can report errors in Schematic Symbols directly from the Schematic: ![image.png](//
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