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3.3V solid state switch to switch 300ma at 12-15V
4967 1
gusisin 1 year ago
Hi all, I am building circuit which involves switching a standard 12V auto relay my processor is an pi pico which produces 3.3v on the gpio. I could use a 3.3v relay but I would like to use a MOSFET to switch instead because of the environment in which it will operate. Could anyone help me out with a suggestion for a circuit/BOM that might serve this task. I am not experienced with MOSFETS and rather than blow up several while trying to figure it out I thought I would ask here? Thank you in advance, Gus
andyfierman 1 year ago
Have a look at: [https://oshwlab\.com/andyfierman/Low\_side\_NMOSFET\_switch\_\-wu0ictL3l](<br> <br> and: [](<br> <br> [](<br> <br> [](
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