## Concise problem statement:
The UA741 schematic symbol from the Widget toolbar is OK.
The Spice symbol of UA741 from **Find Libraries...** should have spice .subckt but does not.
## Steps to reproduce bug:
The UA741 symbol from Widget is OK: symbol looks OK, pinout OK, spice .subckt OK.
There are 2 symbols for UA741 in **Find Libraries...**.
One has `s` in the little symbol in the list. So it should have a spice .subckt associated with it but does not:
Super Menu > Miscellaneous > Netlist for Document > Spice...
shows only one 741 .subckt
Also, the schematic symbol for this part does not look right for a 741 opamp.
Expected results:
Schematic symbol with `s` in the **Find Libraries...** list. should have a spice .subckt (or .model) associated with it.
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