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7 Segment package
1293 5
emagdale 8 years ago
Hello, how can I get a seven segment package?, more especific DA05 and DC05, the most common 7 segment devices. Thanks for your help
andyfierman 8 years ago
Have you tried opening a schematic or PCB canvas and doing a **SHIFT=F** search for `7 seg` or `7 segment`? Can you post a link to a datasheet for a specific example of each part to compare against some of those in the library? If you cannot find a suitable part already in the library, you can always make your own: Well designed and documented (links to manufacturer's datasheets, package drawings, references to suppliers, etc.) schematic symbols and PCB footprints are always welcome and will automatically be made publically available in the **SHIFT+F** searchable EasyEDA Library.
andyfierman 8 years ago
Sorry that should say: 'Have you tried opening a schematic or PCB canvas and doing a SHIFT**+**F search... :)
emagdale 8 years ago
I got it, thanks
TomareUtsuZo 8 years ago
I don't got it. is what I want to put in place.
andyfierman 8 years ago
1) Open a new or an existing schematic or PCB canvas: ![enter image description here][1] 2) Click on the canvas; 3) Do **SHIFT+F**; 4) Search for `7 seg SC56`. 5) This will find a schematic symbol and an associated PCB footprint: ![enter image description here][2] 6) Click on the blue name for more info: ![enter image description here][3] 7) Click **Place** to place the symbol into a schematic or a PCB footprint into a PCB. [1]: /editor/20160817/57b474632e992.png [2]: /editor/20160817/57b482458bb0a.png [3]: /editor/20160817/57b482bd33d87.png
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