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A warning on "Part no longer manufactured" on JLCPCB parts
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MikeDB 1 year ago
I recently tried to use a part but it was marked as "No longer manufactured" on the JLCPCB parts list, which I knew not to be the case.  So I contacted customer support and their reply indicates they agree this isn't that accurate a description, just that they had problems purchasing the part.  So don't always assume a part is obsolete as I now realise I have done several times in the past. Full reply below for those interested : Good day! Thanks for your kind feedback. It is kind of misleading since customers may think as the parts are unavailable at the manufacturer end forever. But it is okay any problems you have, you are welcomed to contact us, we will make the explanations for you. And the parts that marked as ''Discontinued'' in the JLCPCB, it is because we met problems with buying that part from the supplier and we are told that there is no stock by our Channel sourcing. It means we could not source them, not all parts could not be sourced from the market. Thanks for your understanding! But we are trying best to source the parts for our customers and for more convenient to place the assembly orders! Also we support many ways to source the parts for our customers, excepting form the global sourcing parts we mentioned on our last email, we also support submit new parts request and consign parts functions. 1.For the part marked as "No longer manufactured", if it could not be found in the global sourcing parts, you can still **submit a new part request in the global sourcing parts page**, and we will review your request if review passed we will buy it for you from the overseas suppliers.
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