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API: How to rename objects?
526 1
rustybucket 3 years ago
How do I use the api's "updateShape" method to rename objects? Let's say I have a netPort named "INPUT1" and I want to change it to "INPUT2". I've tried: <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">    </span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(38, 139, 210)">api</span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">(</span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(42, 161, 152)">"updateShape"</span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">, {</span> <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">        </span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(38, 139, 210)">shapeType</span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">: </span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(42, 161, 152)">"netport"</span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">,</span> <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">        </span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(38, 139, 210)">name</span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">: </span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(42, 161, 152)">"INPUT2"</span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">,</span> <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">        </span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(38, 139, 210)">gId</span><span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">: "</span>gge2619<span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">"</span> <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(187, 187, 187)">    });</span><br> <br> But this doesn't work. Please help.
andreasbernhofer 3 years ago
@[rustybucket]( Not sure if this is the proper way, but it works... ``` js netflag = api('getShape',{id: 'gge2619'}); netflag.mark.netFlagString = 'INPUT2'; netflag.gId = netflag.configure.gId; // gId is required as main object property for updateShape api('updateShape',{shapeType: 'netflag', jsonCache: netflag}); ``` I've used it in a [small script that realigns/centers the text on netPorts](
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