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Additional Basic Parts
642 2
EdHayes3 3 years ago
I have a few parts that I think should be in the "basic" category, as they seem quite ubiquitous. I'm no expert on performance, just a hobbyist. 1. A super low Quiescent current 3.3v LDO. Good for battery powered projects. [C5446]( is not high current enough. Examples of SOT-23-3, SOT89, or SOT-23-5: 1. C296211 (SOT-23) 2. C324581 (SOT-23) 3. C2685033 (SOT-89) 4. C80222 (SOT-89) 5. C296166 (SOT-89) 6. C347386 (SOT-23-5) 2. Low input voltage buck regulator/switching DC-DC regulator (for 5v or  to 3.3v purposes), with super low Quiescent current. Also good for battery projects, with a higher energy demand than LDO. Examples all with the same SOT-23-5 footprint/pinout: 1. C296282 2. C190829 3. C190828 4. C83224 5. C79313 6. C83223 3. SOT-23 mid-level current (3-6 amps) N-Channel MOSFET. Assuming you'd want the same vendor you have for other MOSFETs on Basic: 1. C44209 2. C12390 What happened to C169540?? It went from Basic to Extended?
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
Hello Thank you for your post. The parts category selection is made by our logistics team depending on the part use an consumption, you can make some suggestion to the support team by addressing the following Email : [](<br> <br> Thank you
EdHayes3 3 years ago
It's a bit of a chicken and egg problem. The reason there's not much volume of said parts are that people choose to solder on themselves, rather than pay JLCPCB $3 to attach a few $0.03 common parts. Judging on the inventory at JLCPCB for these parts, it indicates they are quite popular. I'll send a note to the email address you mentioned. Thanks!
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