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Addressable Led matrix
625 6
Bram Werbrouck 3 years ago
Hi, Can anyone help me to draw an addressable led circuit (driven bij an Arduino) 10 x 10 (WS2812b) Don't know how to start.. thanks
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Hi! Is there a reason why to draw this when internet is full of these LEDs (modules, LED tapes, flex LED pad, etc....) already available so cheaply in so many sizes and configurations? I mean the I can draw this easily but then you think that all this is already available unless you design very, I mean VERY custom LED circuit for yourself. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
Markus_ee 3 years ago
But, if you are still wanting me to help to do this very "custom" addressable led circuit, then fine, I guess I can help out when I've got the time. [https://www\.google\.com/search?q=addressable\+led\+matrix\+circuit\+10x10&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjJsuHIks7wAhUCsyoKHTKWDaYQ2\-cCegQIABAA&oq=addressable\+led\+matrix\+circuit\+10x10&gs\_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1DPiwJY15cCYNmcAmgAcAB4AIABVYgBowOSAQE2mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=UAihYMnKBoLmqgGyrLawCg&bih=722&biw=1536\#imgrc=0abHgnIM\_3yaVM](<br> <br> Theres alot of ready projects where to start on google..... -Markus
Bram Werbrouck 3 years ago
Hi Markus, The reason I want to create my own, is that the available designs don't fit in my hardware.. The PCB's are too small, the Leds are too close to each other.. So I was thinking to create my own, just I'm a new to this and have no clue where to begin. \-\- Bram
andyfierman 3 years ago
@bram.werbrouck, If you read: [](<br> <br> then that points you to the Tutorial and a series of other documents that will help you get the best out of EasyEDA.
Markus_ee 3 years ago
@bram.werbrouck Hi! I sent you a private message. Please answer as soon as you are able. I would like to contribute to your project.... Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
Bram Werbrouck 3 years ago
@markus_jidoka Please send me an email to []( I hope we can work together on a project..
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