You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Again, can’t save (now I’m using OS X / Firefox)
1777 11
Sancho 11 years ago
Also with Firefox 24.0 I can’t save my schematics, as with Safari. The project selector has only “Anonymous Files” (as with Safari).
dillon 11 years ago
Hi, You should create a project firstly.
dillon 11 years ago
Drop down the first toolbar button , which looks like a folder. then New -> new project.
Sancho 11 years ago
Hi dilon, Just turn it around to make a shoe out of it ;-) You (or easyEDA) must give reasonable warnings / error messages / hints in any case a user action didn’t work out. To give kind of “positive feedback” (“loading…” for seconds = bad text) is wrong. ---> I’m a crash test dummy. The form to “Save” should clearly indicate that one can’t save into “Anonymous Files” and lead to create a user project. OK, I’ve created a new project, it’s listed in the “Save” dialog - but still can’t save my schematic: “This file must be saved under a project,choose other project or create a new project” ??? Will be back later ! Regards, Sancho
Sancho 11 years ago
Firefox: SURPRISE SURPRISE: Without being logged in I don’t see my test project, but I can save a schematic, it is saved to the “Anonymous Files”. Logged in I see my test project, a simple “Save” will save it again to the schematic under “Anonymous Files”. But: A “Save As” to my rest project still isn’t possible (“create …”)
dillon 11 years ago
>> The form to “Save” should clearly indicate that one can’t save into “Anonymous Files” and lead to create a user project. No, “Anonymous Files” mean you don't like to save your file "anonymous", It is just for "Anonymous " share. Any one can save an "Anonymous" file, we don't need to login to save a "Anonymous" file. If “Anonymous Files” is not a good name, please help us to find a good name. >>but still can’t save my schematic: I am sorry you are involved in such a bad problem, we have tested in a lot of OS and all modern browsers , we don't have some any problem to save a file. We have lots of "early birds", they can save files easily. But I found you have saved two “Anonymous Files” named "BatTest" and "battery".
dillon 11 years ago
>>SURPRISE SURPRISE: don't be SURPRISE, saving a file to “Anonymous Files” desn't need to login, every one can do. If you login, you can save you as "Anonymous " also. To my SURPRISEd that you can't save your files under your own project, we don't have any idea to fix this big bug, because we can't have any problem to save a file. If you happen to have another computer, can you help us to give it a test. Big thanks.
Sancho 11 years ago
Tried again with OS X Firefox: Exactly the same result as in OS X Safari = and = exactly the same result when I try from a different computer using LinuxLight and Firefox … ???????? A) Not logged in: 28.9. FF can save anonymously and can print the schematic. B) Logged in: - 28.9. FF can’t save to the “Anonymous Files” without any error message, on the contrary, it indicates “loading” for a second ===> which is a wrong text !!! = You could say “transmitting” or “connecting”, but “loading” is misleading = but I don’t get the “success” pop up (this is a nice feature, thumbs_up) and the schematic is not there. Of course I can not print it. - 28.9. FF can’t save to my user project because of error message: “This file must be saved under a project, choose other project or create a new project - OK”
dillon 11 years ago
I post the answer to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, try it again and do come back to feedback ,thanks.
Sancho 11 years ago
Yup, it works now also in Firefox !
dillon 11 years ago
Hi, When you login , can you save your file to “Anonymous Files” ? >>loading which is a wrong text !!! It is a gif image, all waiting operation will be shown this image. Yes , it is not good, but We don't have time to make it more better. I am sure It will be good later. Thanks.
Sancho 11 years ago
Nope, when logged in I can’t save to “Anonymous Files”, the “Loading” image is very short, no save success / _no error message_. This happens in both, Safari and FF. ----------- Don’t know if it’s worth to mention as an extra point, because it is not relevant for “normal” use: When I go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and delete my cookies _before logging in_: The “Anonymous Files” folder isn’t there at the left hand side, but in the “Save” dialog pull down field. However, it doesn’t save, no success, no error (as above with the cookies). Regards, Sancho
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