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Aluminium GND, PCB GND
4997 3
Hi How should i  connect "copper Trace" on aluminium PCB i meat to aluminium so my GND trace in copper and GND in aluminium material.
UserSupport 2 years ago
you just need to draw it at PCB, JLCPCB will fabricate your PCB base on your Gerber
JLCPCBsupport 2 years ago
Hello and thank you for your post, It is unfortunate that this is not possible because the Alluminium is the board core material and not the Copper foil comes at the sides of the board so basically it is not possible to connect those two different compartments. Further more, the alluminium board edge will be exposed which is risky to make the current flow through it and also it is less dense than copper which could lead to lower electric conductivity. <br> Any further questions please let us know.
andyfierman 2 years ago
@jlcpcbsupport, Please add a board stack-up drawing to illustrate the Aluminum (and copper) core board structures on your pages: []( and:  [](<br> <br>
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