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Are LCSC deleting some components from their range ?
5270 2
MikeDB 3 years ago
Quite a few components I use have zero stock at LCSC.  So I submitted some requests to order them and emails have all said 'not available'.  I have checked with the manufacturers and all these parts are still produced.  So are LCSC reducing their product line by never reordering certain parts, but still leaving them on the system with zero stock ?   If you never intend to restock, could you mark them as so or better still removing them from the system.
UserSupport 3 years ago
you can ask []( the detail part number
MikeDB 3 years ago
@UserSupport I did.  []( are the problem I'm complaining about !!    See below This part has no alternative, and is definitely still in manufacture.  This has also happened with several other parts.  It seems that if there is zero stock, they just reply "unavailable" but never say if or when it will become available again. <br> Hi MikeDB, Thanks for placing the order with LCSC.The inquiry item(s) in your order WM211212875O have been replied.Kindly check the availability as below or log in to order details page.LCSC Part # Remark C79619        Unavailable As the above parts are unavailable to purchase, you can cancel the order and try the other alternative parts.
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