Concise problem statement:
Selecting an individual pad in a footprint and then using the left/right/up/down keys moves just the pad and not the whole footprint.
Geometry parts of a footprint should not be editable outside of the PCB Lib editor canvas.
Steps to reproduce bug:
1. Select just a pad in any footprint.
2. Move it using left/right/up/down keys.
The selected pad moves independently from the rest of the footprint.
Expected results:
The whole footprint should move in the same way as if moving using the mouse.
<a href="https://easyeda.com/file_view_Astable-Multivibrator_9lfxP7pHB.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://easyeda.com/file_view_Astable-Multivibrator_9lfxP7pHB.htm</a>
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