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Assembly problem with C40940 micro-b usb connector
2703 8
Peterg17 6 years ago
Hi, I used LCSC part  [c40940](  in a PCB design and sent it to an assembler (pcbway) to make a prototype. It is a surface mounted micro-b usb female connector. The assemblers purchased the parts from LCSC (I presume), but have a problem assembling the component onto the board. Their email says: "the model does not fit the pad. The components are of the Sinking type" This is the image the assemblers have provided: ![A.png](// It appears that the part cannot be SMT-assembled using the layout provided. This is the very second part in the category "micro-usb connectors". Can LCSC help me with a replacement part that will fit? Obviously the assemblers have already created the PCBs, so I would rather not have to have that re-done, Regards, Peter
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi Thanks for the report. and sorry for this issue. The package fixed now. if you ordered at JLCPCB, we can re-fabricate it for you. I can't find the same size micro use connector at LCSC which can fit this footprint, or if you can find it we can send it to you. Thank you
Peterg17 6 years ago
I think I will probably get the boards redone by the assemblers. Save time, as they already have the components. I will probably be ordering future boards from you. If I let you know how much this costs me with the assemblers, could I get some sort of credit for future board purchases?
Peterg17 6 years ago
I updated my pcb. The new design appears to have "body" on both top and bottom sides of the PCB. If I select only bottom layer and bottom silk layer, I can not only see the 4 holes from the component, but also the rectangular "body" footprint. I can understand how the component would have contact with the upper surface, but as far as I know the body does not go through the board. Is this correct?
Peterg17 6 years ago
Actually I see from the photo view, the pcb gets cut away with this component, so it is both top and bottom!
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi The real PCB will like this: ![image.png](//
Peterg17 6 years ago
The pcb layout for this component has another issue. There are the 5 inner connections and two large pads adjacent to them. The pcb in the library assumes that these are "shield" connections. However they are not connected to the shield in reality! They go nowhere. Trying to connect to the pads round the large holes, which is connected to the casing and shield wire, results in a DRC error. So now I have 10 assembled circuits, each one with 4 of these connectors, and on each one I have to connect one of the pads to the adjacent pad round a hole with a soldering iron.
UserSupport 6 years ago
Got it ! I will add two pins for the shield.
UserSupport 6 years ago
Done! Thank you
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