You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
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gary.kirkham 9 years ago
Does anyone have a model for the BUT11/BUT11A transistor? I found one when I searched in the "More Libraries," but when I ran the simulation it gave me the following: "Unable to find definition of model" It appears to be a KiCad model. Will those run in EasyEDA?
andyfierman 9 years ago
Hi Gary, The things you will find using **SHIFT+F** to search in **More Libraries** are schematic symbols (and PCB footprints, of course). Some of those schematic symbols may have a spice model associated with them but many do not. What you have found is the schematic symbol for a BUT11/BUT11A. It does not have a spice model associated with it. * Unfortunately a search of the web has not shown up anywhere that has a publically available model for this transistor or for the NTE2333 that is sometimes quoted as an equivalent for the Fairchild part. There may be models available in the libraries of commercial simulation products but (a) they are not publically available, (b) they are copyrighted and (c) they may be encrypted. Can you change the type of transistor to one you can get a model for? How accurately do you need to model the transistor: could you get away with a not very near equivalent that has a model? Using: **CTRL+F** you can now search: for the spice models that are currently available in EasyEDA. If there is a model or subckt that you would like to see in the library and it is publically available and suitably free of copyright, reuse, resale etc., restrictions then just post back and we'll drop it into the spice library.
gary.kirkham 9 years ago
Thanks for the response, Andy. I will look at the link you provided. Is there a good "Spice Modeling for Dummies" tutorial that will walk me through building a model from the data sheet?
andyfierman 9 years ago
Gary, "Is there a good "Spice Modeling for Dummies" tutorial that will walk me through building a model from the data sheet?" Actually no but... We have written almost exactly what you want and although it is accessible via the Help menu however, for reasons we are trying to understand, the table of contents for it is broken and it is out of step with what is actually in GitHub ... So, here is an online copy of the original content of our **Simulation eBook**: I recommend you read all of it but in particular the section: deals with your question. Questions? Just ask. :)
andyfierman 9 years ago
Hi Gary, I have not used either of the approaches described below but they may be of some help: :)
andyfierman 9 years ago
gary.kirkham 9 years ago
Thanks for the links, Andy. I will check them out after the holiday.
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