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Board reference numbers
2280 3
MikeDB 4 years ago
Do we have to put something other than JLCJLCJLCJLC on boards to show where the internal board reference number needs to go now ? Both boards arriving back this morning had left it as JLC...... and put the reference number somewhere else !
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
Hello ; If you are asking about how to remove the "Order number" from the produced boards than this could be managed while placing your order in JLCPCB ordering page. If you are asking about something different, then please provide us an image that show the issue and it will be much appreciated if you point us to your order number so we can investigate the problem. Thank you.
MikeDB 4 years ago
Photo attached of order number [Y88-2473194A](javascript:void(0); "Y88-2473194A")  I wanted the board number where it says JLCJLCJLC but instead it is in the corner. Same thing happened on order number [Y89-2473194A](javascript:void(0); "Y89-2473194A") ![PCB1.jpg](//
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@MikeDB After checking with the technical team, you have missed the step where you choose to specify the order number location while placing your order. It is a step in the order page, specifying a location is not just by adding a text "JLCJLCJLCJLC" in your silkscreen design but also by selecting the specify location option while placing your order. Please check this short guide for for further details : [https://support\.jlcpcb\.com/article/28\-how\-to\-put\-jlc\-production\-id\-at\-a\-specified\-area\-on\-the\-pcb?\_ga=2\.7657335\.435512170\.1599011383\-2003075669\.1540377080&\_gac=1\.12433094\.1595490666\.Cj0KCQjw6uT4BRD5ARIsADwJQ19pSTgy3HMXHm5YEWHhk6Pl5uRMXwqxLQTg6adtnUHpzzkifg6qZi4aAi9EEALw\_wcB](
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