You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Can't make project public - time of use too short?
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Eliot Blennerhassett 4 years ago
When I try to make my project public, I get a dialog box with this message "The time of EasyEDA editor you use is too short to public the project" how long do I have to wait before I can share a project?  I have been a member for over a year, and created this project a day ago. As a side note, the error message grammar could be improved. Something like: "You must have edited the project for 12 hours before it can be made public.  You will be able to publish this at 2pm on Dec 15th"
UserSupport 4 years ago
hi there are too many span users to public too much span project, they are all new users, we have to add this rule. you need to edit your pcb or schematic over serveral hours, include edit and save files operations. if you want your friend to visit your project, please add them in your project as a member. sorry for the inconvenience. we dont show up the times you need is because we dont want the span users know how to avoid this rule. thanks
Eliot Blennerhassett 4 years ago
OK thanks.  Yes, I found "add member" later, it is not so obvious as "share". BTW I think you mean "spam" not "span"
UserSupport 4 years ago
sorry the wrong word, yes it should spam... :)
rafaelmartins 4 years ago
Hello, this makes EasyEDA almost useless for me. I have a project ready to share, with 2 boards done, and still get this error message. I need to publish the schematics, because it is for an open source/hardware project, adding members is not a solution. There are better ways to fight spam than introducing this kind of rule.
Vitaly Peretiatko 4 years ago
@UserSupport I have the same error message appearing on my project... I created it a few months ago and spent many hours editing it. But still, get this error.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@rafaelmartins @viperet please try again?
peros550 4 years ago
I have the same issue. I completed a simple project within a few hours of work. Now I need to share it with open communinty in github and discord (by the way this is how I found out about easyEDA) and can't share it because of the spam rule. Please check it for me.
robijn 4 years ago
Same problem here. I make one page of schematic and cannot share. Makes the otherwise fantastic software a lot less interesting.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@UserSupport, Does time spent reading the Tutorials and other documentation such as in: []( count towards the required time spent using EasyEDA?
barbosa.alessandro 4 years ago
This is a ridiculous rule.
AntaresLab 4 years ago
@UserSupport, Sorry, what? I created the first project I want to share with world. But first I wanted to change the account name, and I found the way to do that is creating a new account with required name, and moving projects to it. (There is no standard way to change account name.) So, I did just that yesterday and deleted the old account. And now I have new account with project I want to share with world, but needn't to edit. How can I share it? And I also have almost ready projects I needn't to edit for hours, and I want to share them too when they will be ready. And I also have simple tiny project which I created in 10 minutes, what about it? Sorry, maybe this is just my unusual situation, but I very upset and I find this rule ridiculous. Moreover, to write here, I had to create a new project and depict the activity in the editor for an hour. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it's a wrong way.
fededim 4 years ago
I am experiencing the same issue. I have just changed an header pin from 3.3V to 5V in my project EspOven and I want to update also my project description, but I can't because the error "The time of EasyEDA editor you use is too short to public the project." is always returned. Can someone do something about this ? You should really rethink about this rule, maybe if it is a resource problem you can limit the number of shared projects per user.
UserSupport 4 years ago
@AntaresLab @fededim @barbosa.alessandro @peros550 Please try again, we decrease the counting of the rule.
AntaresLab 4 years ago
@UserSupport Thank you very much!)
fededim 4 years ago
@UserSupport same error as before ![image.png](//
UserSupport 4 years ago
@fededim That means you are really use the editor the time too short
andyfierman 4 years ago
Everyone, Please understand that this feature has had to be introduced to reduce the huge amount of spam that is targetted at EasyEDA. Unfortunately this is one of the problems that any online service has to deal with. So far it has proved very effective because until someone writes a Bot to do dummy work, the human spammers give up and look for easier targets. Thanks.
Praligua 3 years ago
I have the same issue ... It's really disgusting to have this because of minority spam people ... sorry for my english I'm french.. Can someone help to pass?
R1S8K LLTP 2 years ago
Alright, same problem, I tried to add a member but the problem is the same ! Do I have to wait for the member's request approval ?
andyfierman 2 years ago
@sheawolgnds, Please clearly state your problem or question as a new Topic in an appropriate Category.
Tarik2142 2 years ago
Hi! Im arleady have a public project []( but i cant update description! Get same error "The time of EasyEDA editor you use is too short to public the project" WTF? My first project 2019-03-03 is 3 years time not enough?
andyfierman 2 years ago
@tarik2142, You are posting into a very long, old thread. I suggest that you repost as a new Topic in the Bug Report Category.
UserSupport 2 years ago
@tarik2142 Hi issue confirmed, we will fix it soon thanks
vodka_bears 2 years ago
@UserSupport Hi, having the same problem. have spent mush more than 30 mins in both online and desktop editor. Any chance I can post my project to public?
UserSupport 2 years ago
@vodka_bears Hi we are fixing this issue. it will be fixed soon
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