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Component Pricing Inconsistency
1552 17
bwinter 3 years ago
I'm having another issue, this time relating to a recent component pricing. In EASYEDA, C9864 is priced as $2.41 (per LCSC Electronics).  However, we all know we have to check JLCPCB SMT Part Library, to actually check if items are available for SMT assembly.  In JLCPCB SMT Part Library, C9864 is a basic part, listed at $1.82 (and also in-stock). I selected this component for SMT assembly (and then designed m board around this component). When completed, I exported the Gerber, BOM and PickAndPlace.  The exported BOM now lists this compent as $0.61.  However, when I uploaded the entire project for manufacturing--**I got charged $4.45 for each C9864**.  Obviously at that point, I simply had to pay the inflated price, as I had already designed the my board around this component (and all the supporting components)--and had sunk countless hours into the project. I did attempt to contact customer support, but only got a generic "JLCPCB and LCSC are sister companies."  I also am aware that the market is fluctuating.  However, is there any way for us to know what we're actually going to get charged for a compent, before we spend countless hours designing a project?  Instead of only knowing at the last minute, when we submit for manufacturing? Had I known that the cost of this component is substantially higher than listed, I would have considered the other options (during my initial search of JLCPCB SMT Part Library). Unfortunately, this is the 2nd major issue I've encounter in this single order (a single order that has several separate projects/PCBs)--the first issue is two additional $15 surcharges ($30 total) for two separate panelizations (panelizations that **do follow** all of the posted guidelines).  And I only got hit with the surcharge AFTER I had submitted (and paid) for the order.  Now everything else in that single order is on-hold until I figure out how to deal with the $15 surcharges. Needless to say, this has been rather frustrating--especially to see up-charges and surcharges AFTER I've placed an order (or AFTER I've spent countless hours developing a board).
leif 3 years ago
How odd! I'm a customer just like you. Your post got me curious so I tried it myself. I checked the price list and saw that C9864 was still $1.8 so I made a little do-nothing board with a C9864 and started the ordering process to see what the price would actually be.. and this is what I saw. | Uploaded BOM Data | Review Matched Parts | | Designator | Name | Footprint | Matched Part Detail | Qty | Unit Price | Operate ![](<br> | | H1,H2<br> | Header-Male-2.54_1x2<br> | HDR-TH_2P-P2.54-V<br> | <span class="nowrap pull-left w200 ng-binding" title="TE Connectivity 826629-2">TE Connectivity 826629-2</span> <span class="pull-right ng-binding" style="width: 33.33%">Extended Part</span><br> <span class="nowrap pull-left w200 ng-binding" title="HDR-TH_2P-P2.54-V">HDR-TH_2P-P2.54-V</span> C86471<br> <span class="mt12 inline-block color9 ng-scope"> [Hand-soldering] </span> <br> ![]( | 2 | $0.1225 | <span class="operate-btn cursor ng-scope cur"></span> | | U1<br> | TPS5430DDAR<br> | SOIC-8_L5.0-W4.0-P1.27-LS6.0-BL-EP<br> | <span class="nowrap pull-left w200 ng-binding" title="Texas Instruments TPS5430DDAR">Texas Instruments TPS5430DDAR</span> <span class="pull-right ng-binding" style="width: 33.33%">Basic Part</span><br> <span class="nowrap pull-left w200 ng-binding" title="LSOP-8_EP_3.9x4.9x1.27P">LSOP\-8\_EP\_3\.9x4\.9x1\.27P</span> C9864<br><br> ![]( | 1 | $1.8182 | <span class="operate-btn cursor ng-scope cur"></span> | | SB1,SB2,SB3,SB4<br> | Solderbridge_SMD<br> | SOLDERBRIDGE_SMD<br> | No part selected<br> <span class="ver blue mr6">Search</span> ![](<br><br> | 4 | | | <br> <br> <br> So, I did not at all see the same issue! Just a data point, make of it what you will.
bwinter 3 years ago
Correct--your BOM will show one prices (much less), as exported from EASYEDA.  But when you go to actually upload the design to have the PCB printed (and component SMT assembled), the the cost jumps to $4 (right before you click PAY).
bwinter 3 years ago
Here's what my BOM says (that was generated/exported from EASYEDA): ![Image 5-3-21 at 10.51 AM.jpeg](// Here's what I actually get charged when placing the order: ![Image 5-3-21 at 10.53 AM.jpeg](//
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
Hello ; About the displayed EasyEDA price, this could be a old part price so please inform the EasyEDA support team to make the update through []( Considering the displayed price at JLCPCB parts library, you can get the appropriate explanation if you send Email to []( , Henry is in charge of customer support for assembly process so there is the right destination to get an explanation. I will try to investigate this as well and inform you when I get something useful.
bwinter 3 years ago
Thanks--I have tried emailing customer-support (multiple emails, so far), and haven't been successful in getting a clear response or explanation of the issue (other than generic "JLCPCB and LCSC are sister companies"). That would be great if you could contact EasyEDA to have their support team make the update--as I'm pretty sure they won't simply make an update based on a random email from me.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@bwinter, It would not do any harm to contact []( yourself anyway and refer them to this topic when you explain the issue to them. :).
bwinter 3 years ago
Actually, I've been banging my head against a wall all morning with other emails (to JLCPCB on this topic), so it actually **would hurt** (my sanity) to continue the same correspondence (with a different support)--I'm simply not able to get my message through clearly.
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
@bwinter Sir have you Emailed Henry through []( Please use that Email to get a fester reaction.
bwinter 3 years ago
I have emailed []( and no response.  I have been emailing jlcpcb support also (multiple exchanges)--their latest response indicates "we have to purchase the least qty according to our supplier request" and also  "the factory machine automatically place the chips, and the excess part materials will be scrapped after the paste." So clearly I am unable to explain the issue.
leif 3 years ago
@bwinter I **did** upload the design! The formatting got mangled when I tried to copy the table (looked fine before I clicked post, heh) but what I posted was copy/pasted from the confirmation screens after uploading the design and the BOM. And actually, I just found the problem. It's a **quantity** issue. It seems you literally only ordered two parts! Not sure how you even did that -- with a minimum PCB quantity of 5, and one part per board, I would think you couldn't order less than 5. But, look what it says in the fine print: ![2021-05-05_10-21-07_8.png](// For quantity <=5,charges (sic) a fixed fee $9.0910 That seems to match exactly the price you saw. You might have been able to get 5 boards for the price of the two you ordered. :) <br> <br>
bwinter 3 years ago
Interesting...where are you finding that fine-print? I thought I was being "responsible" by not ordering all 5 assembled boards (when I knew I would simply discard the other 4).  You know, the whole 1) "global IC shortage" and 2) "don't be wasteful."  But they charge me for 5 anyway?!?  That certainly seems bogus.... Maybe that's what the cryptic customer-support message I received was referring to ("the factory machine automatically place the chips, and the excess part materials will be scrapped after the paste"). The option to only have 2 panels SMT assembled (instead of all 5) is on the main gerber-page (which I normally use when only prototyping).  But I guess that's a waste of effort, when I'm getting charged for 5 anyway (and the "excess part materials are scrapped"). ![Image 5-4-21 at 10.54 PM.jpeg](//
bwinter 3 years ago
Okay, they've changed not only their pricing, but also their pricing structure: SMT order 23APR2021: ![Image 5-5-21 at 12.12 AM.jpeg](// SMT order 01MAY2021: ![Image 5-5-21 at 12.09 AM.jpeg](// Does everything now have a minimum?  Has fixed charges for minimum quantity always existed?  From what I'm seeing, the minimum qtys are different (eg., some <2, some <25). ![Image 5-5-21 at 12.17 AM.jpeg](//
leif 3 years ago
Different parts have always had different restrictions. Certain very inexpensive parts have high minimum quantities, for example. Yes, sometimes annoying things happen.. for example, the STM8S003F3P6 microcontroller was the cheapest one JLCPCB carried, at just 22 cents each (quantity 30+), and it's a capable little beast even if it only has 1 KB RAM and 8 KB FLASH, tons of features and peripherals, so I learned to program it so I could put it on my board. Then COVID and money printing and inflation happened and now they're over a dollar a piece! Yes that's annoying, but it's certainly not JLC's fault, so I'm not complaining -- I'm just glad I bought that bag of 50 units at 16 cents a piece from Aliexpress, and now I get to practice my SMD soldering skills for the MCU, while letting JLC supply all the other little parts on my boards. We're living in the future, it's mindboggling that we can have custom PCBs made for a few dollars. Mistakes happen. Be happy! :-)
UserSupport 3 years ago
Hi EasyEDA price is too old to use, it is not update intime, we will update it soon copy to @liket73 @bwinter @bwinter @JLCPCBsupport @andyfierman
andyfierman 3 years ago
@UserSupport, Thanks for the information.
EdHayes3 3 years ago
I noticed that the C9865 recently had a really large jump in price. Probably related to the global shortage. You may be interested in that component. It's a similar device, and is "basic" so you wont have to pay the exteded fee. Slightly lower voltage input. And yes, seems you are just being charged the minimum quantity for the chips. When reviewing the PCB order before adding to card, it will give a little warning on each component line where it's increasing the price to match the minimum. They are not trying to screw you. I believe I read something about the minimums before. I recall reading that it was related to how many components had to be used when setting up the pick and place machine. But I could be remembering incorrectly. I tended to only order the basic stuff with low or inconsequential minimums, then hand solder the rest. However, I'm coming to realize some of those parts are not worth my effort, I should have just paid the $3. LOL. But that SOIC-8 is pretty easy.
bwinter 3 years ago
The minimum fee didn't exist until recently (ie., within the last couple weeks), as shown above (and based on my prior orders of the same prototypes)--or at least, has only recently been expanded into components that are on my radar.  So that, coupled with the recent price-increases (due to global shortage), really increase my prototypes by 3-4X. Ironically, I was only ordering SMT placements for 2 prototype-boards (instead of 5) because 'hey, global shortage, don't be wasteful.'  So when they **charge** me for 5 anyway....why not just **receive** all 5...
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