I just finished putting together the schematic for a 2N3055 and LM317 based power supply, and though all connections are made in the schematic (as far as I can tell), when the schematic is converted to a PCB, the blue lines indicating connections between components only connect to one pin out of two of several components. This leads to there being a free floating lead, even though it should be connected to other components. Auto-routing does not make the connections. This very well may be user error, but I don't know why the connections aren't in the PCB, but are in the schematic.
[The Project](https://easyeda.com/account/project?project=a464f2a34ef547eda6e4a2e3d0e4a6ad)
Note; Please take a look at the schematic, then go to the **PSU1 **pcb layout. You should notice that several components, (D1, D5, D7, D8, D9, D10, C18) have a leg that is not connected to anything.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.