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Convert small PCB to a Footprint
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billbrach 3 years ago
Is there any way to convert a small PCB, into a Footprint ?? I basically use they same small power supply components in most of my projects and would like to add all of them as a "component".  I want to be able to design a small circuit using the Schematic Editor, then lay out the PCB.  After I'm done, I'll add a New Symbol, and would like to then use the PCB I designed, as the Footprint, with matching pin #'s. I see other people wanting to repeat a series of "parts".  An example I saw was an 8x8 LED Matrix, already wired to a MAX7219 IC.  In this case, he wanted to drop 4 of these on a PCB, without having to wire all of them up individually. Any thoughts on how to do this ??
andyfierman 3 years ago
There is a way to  convert it to a Footprint but it will cause total chaos. As well as creating the Footprint, you would also have to create a Symbol for it to which you then associate the Footprint to it. Turn when you create or update the PCB, the Footprint will be pulled into the PCB. However, neither the Symbol or the Footprint will list all the constituent parts to the BoM and the Footprint will generate lots of DRC errors. To understand why you need to study: [](<br> <br> and: [](<br> <br> This topic also relates to your question: [](<br> <br> Until the Pro version is released,  the best way to solve this question is to create Schematic and PCB modules (see the relevant sections of the Tutorisl) and maybe use the Easyeda-Tools and maybe Duritsky's extensions here: [](<br> <br>
billbrach 3 years ago
I'm not concerned about the BOM.  All I want are the pads, traces, and silkscreen to be there.
billbrach 3 years ago
Oh, I don't care about the DRC errors, as I can see where those are and know to ignore those related to the "footprint". Hopefully the Pro version fixes this kind of thing !!
andyfierman 3 years ago
It's a long time since I have used this trick but the way to do it is to put just the PCB elements that you want into a PCB then do: File > File Source... to open the JSON editor window. Next, open a new Footprint Editor tab. Do File > File Source... for that too. In the Footprint Editor JSON window, delete everything below the line: ``` {   "head": {     "docType": "4",     "editorVersion": "6.4.25",     "newgId": true,     "c_para": {       "package": "",       "pre": "U?",       "Contributor": "myusername"     },     "hasIdFlag": true,     "x": 4000,     "y": 3000   }, ``` Then copy everything from the PCB JSON window below: ``` {   "head": {     "docType": "3",     "editorVersion": "6.4.25",     "newgId": true,     "c_para": {},     "x": 4020,     "y": 3234,     "hasIdFlag": true   }, ``` and paste it into the bottom of the Footprint JSON window then **Apply** and **Save** it.
billbrach 3 years ago
Andy, this kinda worked but I could not make it work by copying and pasting the file source.  What I did was while in the PCB editor page, I copied the entire board, and then pasted that into a empty, new Footprint.  All the components and traces are there, but the part descriptors are gone.  BUT, anything in a silk layer on the PCB, comes across to the footprint.  The other thing I had to do is where I have outputs on my little board, I had to make all the pads that are common to a single output, have the same number.  I also converted any traces connecting to my output pads, to pads, and gave them the same number.  In this way you can connect at any point along a trace. Here is what the new Footprint looks likes.  Notice there are no part descriptors, except the 'PWR' text, which was in the top silk of the PCB.  Also, notice the green lines inside some of the parts.  Not sure what they are and not sure what happens when I drop this into a Schematict, as I've not made a matching Symbol.  This is a 5VDC in to 3.3 power supply, using a TO220 LDO regulator.  ![3.3-LDO-PS.png](//
billbrach 3 years ago
Andy, could you clarify in your Cut & Paste suggestion, exacly where to cut & paste ?? When I delete ALL of the new footprint's source, and paste into it, the source from my already created PCB, and try to save it, it gives me a document error.  I'm wordering if that is because the document types are different. FP's have docType = 4, and a PCB's are docType = 3.  Can't tell if all I need to do is change the docType, or whether the entire FP header is different than a PCB.
andyfierman 3 years ago
You need to retain all the header information shown in my post for both files. So the PCB file is docType 3 and the PCB Footprint is docType 4. Delete everything from the start of the next line after the header information in the Footprint. Copy everything from the start of the next line after the header information in the PCB. Then paste that into the first line under the header information forcthe Footprint file. I forgot to say that you should delete the board outline from the PCB before you open the json file for it to copy it.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@billbrach, I have just tried my "trick" to copy a PCB into a footprint as described above and I can't make it work. All I get is the track an a few bits of silkscreen. No component outlines and no pads. Your way of simply copying and pasting the PCB and and pasting it into a Footprint Editor pane is more complete but it's still a lot of messing about to try to renumber the pads and replace or convert all the tracks to pads to avoid the DRC errors. I think it's much easier and less error prone to go down the Modules route. BTW, I have just remembered that I did try the editing the JSON files to copy a PCB into a footprint a year or two ago and gave up on it then. I got the idea from how I have used this trick - successfully - to convert a Schematic Symbol into a Spice Symbol.
billbrach 3 years ago
OK, thanks.  I too did get it partially working by leaving the header portion of the JSON file but it removes the parts in the LIB section of the file.  For my really small PCBs that I need like this, adding the part designator in the top silk is pretty east ro do, and any other info you might need to build the board. Again, thanks for your help !!
billbrach 3 years ago
OK, thanks.  I too did get it partially working by leaving the header portion of the JSON file but it removes the parts in the LIB section of the file.  For my really small PCBs that I need like this, adding the part designator in the top silk is pretty east ro do, and any other info you might need to build the board. Again, thanks for your help !!
billbrach 3 years ago
MODULES !!  You suggested using Modules but there is a huge problem for me, and that is a SCH module does NOT have an associated PCB module !!  When you create a new SCH module, it should give you the same Design tool bar item, and let you lay out a PCB module to match.  Pretty useless without the ability to have an associated PCB module :(
andyfierman 3 years ago
The problem is not in how you create a PCB Module from a schematic. That is easy and in fact is the same as creating a schematic and converting it to a PCB. The difference is that you save them as a Schematic Module and as a PCB Module. The problem is that there does not seem to be a way to pull that PCB Module into a PCB after placing the Schematic Module from which it was created, into the schematic that is then being converted into a PCB. Hopefully that has been solved by the developers in the Pro version.
andyfierman 3 years ago
What's missing is proper hierarchical design.
billbrach 3 years ago
I agree !! The SCH and PCB modules nned to be tied to each other, just like any part used on a schematic and then placed on a PCB.  The method of adding a prefix character to the part designators on a module PCB is fine like it is now but incorportating these parts into the schematic designators would be bettter.  In that way, the BOM would number correctly.  But, I'd be happy either way !!
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