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Could JLCPCB (or LCSC) have an account holding money feature ?
726 3
MikeDB 1 year ago
I sometimes order rarer components to be reserved at JLCPCB so that they are available when I place a PCB SMT assembly order.  The problem is the amount I transfer is usually too much so there is a refund.  But this is made in US$ which automatically gets converted back to UK£ by the credit card company so there is a currency conversion charge both ways.  Would it not be possible for JLCPCB to hold this money on account in US$ for my next order ?  I'd happily keep say $100 with JLCPCB so as to avoid these constant micro-transactions.
dillon 1 year ago
Good idea, I will told JLCPCB.
Calum22 1 year ago
@dillon @MikeDB Doesn't this already exist? When I go to pay I get an offer for JLCPCB balance "JLCPCB accepts direct wire transfer from your bank to ours. You can pre-transfer money into our bank account,and the fund will be added to your JLCPCB Payment balance, then you can use the balance to pay for orders on ".
MikeDB 1 year ago
@calum22161   Yes that seems to be there for paying for PCBs and loading boards, but not for pre-ordering components, at least as far as I can see.   Maybe I can add too much when buying the next set of PCBs.
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