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Definitive panelization procedure for SMT assembly
1154 1
Tommaso Sabìa 3 years ago
So I've been thoroughly searching the web, the forum, and the various tutorials for a clear explanation of the correct procedure for ordering panelized PCBs **with SMT assembly**. However, it's all but clear and there's just a huge confusion about what options to select during the ordering procedure. Does anyone know **from personal experience** what are the do's and don'ts for designing a panelized PCB on EasyEDA and ordering it (assembled) on JLCPCB? In particular, starting from the generation of BOM/Gerber/Pick&Place files and moving on: 1) Do I have to select "Include panelized component's coordinates" during the P&P file generation? (I guess so, but asking for confirmation) 2) What's the correct delivery format to select on JLCPCB? **Single PCB** (since EasyEDA says that the panelized format is automatically recognized by the manufacturers) or **Panel by Customer**? I exclued Panel by JLCPCB because that doesn't support SMT. 3) When adding BOM and CPL files: do I have to choose Complete file or Single piece? Thanks in advance to anyone willing to share their experience and please, DON'T reply with links to tutorials or FAQs online, they don't clarify at all. Only looking for personal experience.
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
Hello ; Considering the JLCPCB related points : > Do I have to select "Include panelized component's coordinates" during the P&P file generation? (I guess so, but asking for confirmation) If you mean the parts center x,y coordinates it will be automatically generated through the EDA software, for confirmation you can insert those coordinates of all Panel parts in your P&P file. > What's the correct delivery format to select on JLCPCB? **Single PCB** (since EasyEDA says that the panelized format is automatically recognized by the manufacturers) or **Panel by Customer**? I exclued Panel by JLCPCB because that doesn't support SMT. At this stage you need to specify your GERBER as Panel by Customer, yes Panels are supported for assembly as long as the rout tab is made of "mouse bites" not with "V-cut" lines. Please consider to select the Panel as Panel by Customer and not as Single PCB. > When adding BOM and CPL files: do I have to choose Complete file or Single piece? You can upload BOM and P&P files of one single board and we duplicate it but you need to specify this when you upload your files as it shows the below image, please consider that the duplicated quantity is calculated from the panel Column and rows that you have to specify when you select the Panel by Customer option. ![assembly.png](//
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