I stumbled upon EasyEDA and it was an OMG moment.
First thing I did seemed reasonable:
\- I opened a new schematic
\- I opened the example 'Quick Start to EasyEDA
I copied the schematics from both pages of the example, and pasted them into my new new test schematic
What could possibly go wrong?
When I hit Convert Schematic to PCB I received two errors, both relating to the diodes D3 and D4
The error says the same for both:
"The symbol pin number(s) of the component does not match the associated footprint pad number(s), please modify the symbol pin number(s) or re-associate the footprint".
A simple copy and paste from the example and something goes wrong?
When I click on the corresponding error message, and then 'check footprints', it opens the offending diode connections, showing them as not connected to the pads.
I click on the other components, and see how they connected to the pads, but these diodes remain isolated, and I can see no way of associating them.
I click update footprint, which tells me that the footprint has been updated, but the result is the same.
I would never have thought that copying the two schematics from a simple example would cause such problems.
Hence the title, Dumb Newbie Question.
Can anyone, please, offer some guidance as to what causes this issue, and how to resolve it (as I'm sure this knowledge will be needed in the future).