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EasyEDA New UI Preview,Any Idea?
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Tutorials 7 years ago
Hi everyone, We are going to design a new UI, below are the preview images, Do you have any comments? Please ignore the logo. :) ![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] [1]: /editor/20171113/5a09757f46306.png [2]: /editor/20171113/5a0975a087d70.png
Tutorials 7 years ago
Any idea?...
andyfierman 7 years ago
I like the new smaller icon size and the subtle change to the font is really nice. The smaller icons on the top toolbar also give a little more canvas area to work in. I think it gives the whole GUI a cooler, more contemporary look. Combining the **Drawing** and **Wiring** Tools pallettes into one tabbed palette is a good idea too: it saves canvas space and is faster to swap between the two than having to move the mouse between the two. * Will that be **PCB** and **Layers** for the PCB Editor? * Looking at the Background colour setting, both screenshots show #FFFFFF. Is the black background a preset from the Theme Colours button? * If yes, can it easily be reset to the default?
Tutorials 7 years ago
@andyfierman Hi Andy, This is the demo picture, we will improve it. and the icon we are going to re-draw them. we hope the new UI will be better than before. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20171116/5a0d7aa136cd2.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
One point: It is probably a bad idea to change the functions of the UI too much from what it is now because there is a huge amount of documentation that shows how it works. If the UI changes then all that documentation will take a long time to catch up. Changing the theme and fints is good but moving buttons and menus around may do more harm than good. :)
andyfierman 7 years ago
`fints` => fonts!
minn0w 7 years ago
I think it looks good. less fragmented style.
Markl 7 years ago
I like it too. The color them is more mature. Nice to expect a change in the icons too. They look too toyish right now.
FrankCA 7 years ago
This is great. I am an advocate for a larger canvas and uncluttered layout - your ideas are in the right direction. Some points: - can you consider horizontal tabs for the "link" (EElib, Design, Parts etc.) buttons on the left in order to reduce their size and use the space more efficiently? - I'm not a fan of your floating toolbars for Drawing, Wiring, PCB and Layers. Can these be given a permanent space eg, Wiring and PCB tools down the left, drawing and layers down the right so both schematic and pcb editors use the same spaces for their tools, or next to/under each other on the same side - something that reduces mouse movements, resizing boxes and clicking. - Perhaps the attributes boxes on the right can be made to pop out with mouse-over rather than their current fixed size? Overall I am a big fan of your editors - they are easy to use and highly functional. If you can improve on and not detract from those attributes then that would be a big win in my book.
Rodrigo.arias 7 years ago
Please use smaller icons for symbos on the left tab. They are way too big for the minimalistic design you are implementing. Other than that, the new UI looks way more professional. you guys really deserve some big credit about EasyEDA, and the awesome alternative against the paid software.
Tutorials 7 years ago
@Markl Yes, we have designed a lot new icon, we hope that will be more suitable for editor.
Tutorials 7 years ago
@andyfierman Yes, all the document needs to be modified,that is very necessary, because many new features we have to add them in a suitable menu.
Tutorials 7 years ago
@FrankCA Hi, We are trying to make the canvas more efficiently. at this time, the icon will smaller than before. all your opinions we have thought about, but we don't have a good solution for these yet. thanks
Tutorials 7 years ago
@Rodrigo.arias At this time , we will use the smaller icon. the left panel area we keep it as same as before.
Tutorials 7 years ago
@andyfierman @Rodrigo.arias @FrankCA @Markl @minn0w New Icon ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20171123/5a16c5eecfe3f.png
Markl 7 years ago
@Tutorials: To me, it is a big yes.
andyfierman 7 years ago
I like it! :)
mgostinelli 7 years ago
Please redraw the "Footprint Manager", make it more exaustive, es. I'd like to see a grid on footprint image ad more room on descriptions, se immage below. ![Footprint Manager][1] [1]: /editor/20171217/5a364976b2364.png
Tutorials 7 years ago
@mgostinelli Hi,thanks your suggestion,the new footprint manager as bellow: ![enter image description here][1] we have thought about add the grids at footprint review window, but it is hard to suit the large size footprint display. [1]: /editor/20171218/5a37176a2eaf5.png
lynxlabeling 7 years ago
Is the black background and gray text configurable? If not, please leave the current theme the way it is. The latest fad of making everything black makes readability very difficult. The research, done by the Mac team at Apple decades ago, which found that black text on a white background to be the most readable has not invalidated. The current theme of black text on a faint blue background is very easy on the eyes. Please don't change it.
lynxlabeling 7 years ago
On the footprint manager, a couple of features would be nice: 1) Add zooming to footprint 2) When clicking on a footprint pad, highlight the pin and ratline 3) Ability to rotate the footprint might be nice as well. For items 1 & 3, just add some icons to the footprint view similar to Google maps (the older version)
lynxlabeling 7 years ago
On the drawing tool palettes, the currently selected tool should be highlighted. Also, consider adding an arrow tool which simply 'escapes' the current tool. That way the user doesn't have to go from mouse to keyboard in order to get back to selection mode. Both of these ideas are standard Macintosh UI elements in all their applications from the beginning. While styles may change, these fundamental UI concepts are timeless.
Summving 7 years ago
@lynxlabeling The background we will try to find a good experience about the footprint manager: 1. we support that all the time, you need to click the preview window and scroll your mouse. but it is not good enough. we need to find a good way to solve this. 2.when you deselect the select icon of the component's pin option, you can do that. can drag the footprint and pan. the rotation we will think about it. and the drawing tool palettes, the highlighted feature maybe we will do that, but it isn't a high level job. thanks
lynxlabeling 7 years ago
Thanks for those tips on the footprint manager. Yes - scaling and panning are supported nicely. I did not know that. I think rotation is the thing that would be most useful. Perhaps just supporting the 'r' key as in the PCB editor. Rotation is useful for when its not quite clear what connects to what. I do not understand item 2. though. If I click on the footprint pin in the preview pane, nothing happens. Also, it would be helpful if both the symbol pin and footprint pad highlight (light up) in addition to the ratline changing color.
Tutorials 7 years ago
@lynxlabeling item2 ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20171220/5a39b71454042.png
lynxlabeling 7 years ago
Yes, I knew you could do that. What I would like to see is everything in the connection highlighted whether I click in the Pin Map Information pane, the pin in the schematic preview, or the pad in the footprint preview. When any of these items are clicked, I would like to see all the respective items to also be highlighted. It just makes things easier to verify and use.
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