You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
[EasyEDA Official Notice] What is new in the V4.5.6
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dillon 7 years ago
Check out, and post your ideas at here.
enjoybiking 7 years ago
Will I be able to draw/see board outline in mm? My mind thinks in mili-meters. Grid-lines in mm too then? Can I save just a board outline, or board with custom copper fills? Example: a board which direct-solders to the back of a full-sized 3-pin XLR connector
Penoff 7 years ago
Is there a specific way to switch to the new version? I am still getting 4.1.3 on my computer in Firefox, but Internet Explorer shows the new one.
enjoybiking 7 years ago
Hot-keys for MACROS? Example: rebuild top/bottom copper areas [SHFT+B], SAVE, run auto-router with last defaults, launch Gerber-view [take picture icon], and "K" so Gerber view is at max? Hot-key for Auto-router alone?? DO you have a AUto-router queue at your server? Pass me a token that says to the app... auto-router server is busy but stand in line and wait??? [rather than randomly retrying in frustration?]. MODE: to see PCB layer and last gerber-view at same time? Stereo-view-mode. [maybe Gerber view is smaller on same screen, K makes both view max-fit?] Photo-Views flip with T and B keys? Click mouse on gerber-view and highlight where THAT is on the board-view? [upside down part # etc...] Can FULL photo-view/Gerber-view respond to T and B and launch in K mode? Can you add M mode to Photo-view?
support 7 years ago
@Enjoybiking you can change the PCB unit to MM, we don't know how many users would like just board outline in MM, now Package is default in MM What you mean hotkey in Mac. SHIFT+B is build all, SHIFT+M remove all. auto router without hotkey. we will think about a new ways for hotkey. Auto router is very busy. because EasyEDA is free, we don't have any way, now we need to pay for a lot for our autorouter server.
support 7 years ago
@Penoff Your version has a bug, can't upgrade automatic, you need to remove easyeda cache, then will auto upgarde in the later. BTW Firefox is great, but slower than Chrome
xebit 7 years ago
Please make a button 'REDRAW'. To redraw all copper areas. Because each time have search the edge of the area, in order to press the 'Rebuild copper area' button in its properties - is very inconvenient.
andyfierman 7 years ago
Xebit, There is already a Hotkey for this: `SHIFT+B` ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20170605/5934785815e6f.png
enjoybiking 7 years ago
It WOULD be nice if removing ALL Copper Area would clean up the source text file...I had to go edit that source text recently to get RID of some orphaned COPPER entries.
dillon 7 years ago
@enjoybiking your needs will be online next week.
davidanger 7 years ago
LCSC means 立创商城(Li Chuang Shang Cheng) is a market compeny the sun of 深圳市嘉立创科技发展有限公司. happy to see that. :D
davidanger 7 years ago
@davidanger Sorry the son of 嘉立创
enjoybiking 7 years ago
@support I MEANT it would be *nice* if the application could save a LIST of things to do, as in a "MACRO-function". Invoke my saved macro: "BOARD-VIEW, rebuild top/bottom copper areas [SHFT+B], auto-SAVE, run auto-router with last defaults [don't stop and ask], launch Gerber-view [take picture icon], switch to Picture-view, and "auto-K" so Gerber view is at max?" with one click // or user-defined // or EasyEDA-defined "MACRO sequence" Allow T, B, and M to work in Picture-view [Gerber viewer]. Any others I forgot? Live stereo view of Gerber and "board view", click on Gerber it highlights corresponding coordinate on live board-view? Example: C4 on bottom is upside down and in a bad spot If server busy: "Please wait, you are 32nd [###] in line" "expected delay 5 minutes" "have some tea" [by means of creating a queue] [or maybe that is bad?]. Can EasyEDA Autorouter run on load-balanced virtual machines? Amazon? Google? Maybe not in China. Can you allow helper servers in other countries? Donated processing? Is the new stand-alone client doing it's OWN routing? That is the plan, right? Yes it would be nice to be able to save a board-template with hand-drawn permanent copper fills and other features like mounting holes, and/or connector/card-edge... Then we could draw a new schematic and ATTEMPT to fill a saved "board template" [with permanent features like copper-fills] with the schematic parts. Maybe there is a simple way already? I LOVE EasyEDA...just trying to help. Keep up the great work!! A+ I get Eagle for "free" because I am affiliated with a .EDU -- but Easy EDA is what I USE. THANK YOU
andyfierman 7 years ago
@Enjoybiking, `Yes it would be nice to be able to save a board-template with hand-drawn permanent copper fills and other features like mounting holes, and/or connector/card-edge... Then we could draw a new schematic and ATTEMPT to fill a saved "board template" [with permanent features like copper-fills] with the schematic parts. Maybe there is a simple way already?` I'm not clear exactly what you are asking for so excuse me if I misunderstand but does creating Schematic and PCB Modules not already allow you to do this?
dillon 7 years ago
@enjoybiking Thanks for your time We are sure we will make your one idea to real word. board-template will be done in our TODO list, and schematic-template will be provided too. but need a few months, because we need to redesin a lot. For auto router busy, we don't know when the autorouter will be finshed. at present, we just stop the new users if the auto router CPU is 100% . not good. We will try to use the users' computer for auto router in the future . for MACRO-function , we have an API, maybe some one would like to try. Thanks again
plasticuser 7 years ago
Transparency. I would love to be able to see two layers, red and blue, with transparency.
dillon 7 years ago
@plasticuser I think we need an option to set, some one don't like to see other objects.
uzfm 7 years ago
You can make a "button H (highlight net)" worked when I draw PCB.
plasticuser 7 years ago
Auto-router: preferred directions by layer. Allow us to define key tracks and not have the Auto-router rip them up and reroute them. Sometimes I want a key track a certain way. I know it is a simple router, but if you move the workload to our systems, you can make it do more work. Netlists/bus: allow us to *easily* pair up A0-A21 on a DRAM to A2-23 on a CPU, for example. Whenever attaching devices to a bus, pop up a dialog so we can quickly set up the connections. If we connect to another identical device, offer the previous choices as a default. Allow smoother zoom. My choice right now is 3/4 of the screen or too big, nothing in between. Maybe 10% each step?
enjoybiking 7 years ago
@andyfierman I have not tried it lately Andy, but I made a board a while back with some custom stuff done in the PCB mode, I was losing some of that custom work if I doubled back to edit anything in the Schematic and them UPDATED PCB... I would have to re-draw some stuff.[custom copper fills NOT ground-pours] Maybe it's just me? Then, if I had something with the custom fills and so on, and want to use that again? Not fork it and delete a bunch of stuff? Template would be fabulous! A very specific example is Neutrik makes a clamb-shell case: in MY situation I wish to make PCBs that fit the optional connectors and the case. A board that direct-solders to the rear of a 3-pin Neutrik case-end XLR [insert board between pins and solder!] . I have done it, but have to start over to make a new one. I THINK. [where did I write down my measurements and drawing??] "Create PCB using Template: " would seem to be the answer. Template would allow or assure that everything in the template is "sticky" unless edited in the template-EDIT-mode. I am not a Raspberry Pi or Arduino person but I imagine those people would love templates? If you know a size and shape of something that fits your favorite case? And connector?? PSU and so on. enter a schematic and try to force that to fit. PCI plug-in cards.. card with a USB jack placed so it fits a imported case with cutout... Also yes I am pretty new to Easy EDA and didn't make the time for my self to learn ANY PCB CAD tool until I retired last year. I am sure there are many things in EDA to learn yet. It seems easier to make something that works, faster than Eagle. Oh another example for a template might be where PCBs are used to make a case? It could have holes for controls and jacks....the silk layer... or COpper labels... maybe it's been done already? If the PCB fabricator can't make big holes for controls, template can show where to drill by hand.
dillon 7 years ago
@enjoybiking I think I know what you want to do, in the next big version 5.1.x, we will make more thing can be set. At present you have an easy way. Create a Template PCB. After you create the schematic, you can save AS the template PCB to your new project, then use , then we just add footprint to that PCB, don't change your config, such as DRC, autorotuer layer setting. Let me know if you know this. thanks for your time ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20170607/5937ab84d2a90.png
enjoybiking 7 years ago
A template could store it's own parameters? DRC, the Autorouter settings. any custom stuff drawn into it in PCB template-edit mode. VERY powerful. Template a whole case? I think custom COpper fills would need NetNames though? Somehow those have to "connect" to nets in the schematic-export? AutoRouter would say "you have unassigned copper fills, do you wish to proceed"? [or assign nets to orphans]. The last time I made a board for the Neutrik case it took quite a while. I think Templates will sell lots of PCBs. And cases made of PCBs... and front panels... or aluminum cases that EasyEDA sells that have templates for? Template with a Micro-USB or USB-C, coaxial power jack... and know that it will align with a case you sell or make via EasyEDA. Thanks Dillon, I can show you a board to foot-print if... you need an example. NOT just for me though...I hope people need this and you sell more PCBs! Imagine being new to EasyEDA and making a completed project in 1-2 weeks? Maybe reading about a project on_line... it has it's own case and spot for the maker's logo or name... controls labels... LEDS....
support 7 years ago
@enjoybiking yes template can do that, We maybe sell them via LCSC is our components order site. Yes, you can show me your example. BTW, EasyEDA will close for PCB order soon, we will release a new PCB order site, just like our components site EasyEDA will focus for design, not for order any order, we will setup a new PCB order site which is focus one PCB, stencils and PCBA.
enjoybiking 7 years ago
What will happen to our existing designs we have stored under our EasyEDA accounts? Migrate with us to new web_site I hope?? I DID go back and look at my PCB for Neutrik case XLR pins, I drew rectangles overlapping pad-edges...but I note they have solder-mask, I would have to scrape them to copper and tin them.. I tried some options, so far I do not know how to make tinned copper rectangles/shapes with no solder-mask. THAT, and the shape of the PCB, would be very handy to "template", those tinned fingers and the shape, yes they overlap pads with net-names, I assume they connect.
enjoybiking 7 years ago
Found my mistake. Needed Eyeball turned on for Top and bottom SOLDER layers. SO I make rectangular card-edge fingers that are tinned, and inside a board outline that is custom... would love to save that outline and the custom fingers as template. I was losing copper fingers I drew in PCB, if I re-exported the Schematic. A template would stay "sticky" the template would persist...the custom tinned drawings fingers whatever. THANKS.
ArcAiN6 7 years ago
There's still SOOO much room for improvements. Some of the biggest irritations i find so far with easyeda are as follows 1) Doesn't respect copper pour keep-out boundaries from imported eagle brd files. Solution: See #3's solution 2) Does not allow for keep out, or cutout region in copper pour. Solution: add Boolean toggle to polygon tool / settings to denote if polygon is copper pour, or restrict/keep-out Probably a derivative issue to #1, and #3 3) complains when one or more pours overlap. Solution: Add level of importance field to copper pour polygon settings. i.e. level 1 gets first pour, what isn't filled in by level 1, is filled in by level 2, with default separation (separation made based upon DRC rules) 4) Still can't see traces as you are drawing them. i.e. if you have a copper pour on top layer, and have it filled to reduce the number of visible unrouted net lines, when you start to draw a trace, it's the same colour as the copper pour, making it impossible to see what you're doing. Solution: Set copper pour colour darker than trace color while drawing. Bright red or bright blue for copper pour is a terrible idea, the only time it should be that bright, is if it's being selected, or traced to, any other time the copper pour areas should be significantly darker. 5) Copper pour, and trace transparency level.... there isn't one!! Makes it quite difficult to trace out a complex board, keeping in mind signal interference, and EM inductance if you can't see what you're doing. Solution: Top copper should be moderately transparent. Not so much to make it difficult to distinguish between top and bottom, but enough so you can get a pretty good idea of what's on the bottom layer of the board, or in the case of multi-layer boards, what traces you are crossing, and at what angle. All of that being said, i really do like easyeda. I hope development continues, and i really hope to see some of my suggestions implemented. I feel it would go a very long way towards making the design, and layout of PCB's a fun, and easy experience for both novices, and pro's alike. Keep up the good work :)
support 7 years ago
@ArcAiN6 Thanks for your time. 1) It is not our TODO. 2) what about this use Cutout 3) It is on our TODO 4) It is on our TODO EasyEDA will be developed for ever, if our company can't do this, we will make EasyEDA open source. BTW, we hope our fans would like to use our PCB order service and
Penoff 7 years ago
I am experiencing something unexpected in the new version. I go to Config -> Common Buttons Setting... and disable a few buttons (Undo, Redo, Copy, Cut, Paste). As soon as I open another schematic or PCB all those buttons show up again and I can't hide them anymore.
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