You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
[EasyEDA Official Notice] What is new in the V4.6.4
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Tutorials 7 years ago
We have very exciting features to update. Check out, and post your ideas at here. :)
Frendor 7 years ago
HI, Thanks for the update, EasyEDA is getting better and better. I'm using V4.6.4 in the browse, but 4.5.3 desktop/offline version. How do I update the desktop version to v4.6.4? I've looked and looked throw all the menus and still can't find how to update it. Thanks, Frendor.
dillon 7 years ago
@Frendor At present, you can't upgrade, but if you like you can keep to use the desktop version, the new version need some time
dnl94705278 7 years ago
Congratulations, EasyEDA is getting better and better, the BOM function is a tool that allows us a great evolution in the projects. How do we load this .csv file into the LCSC Parts?
ChristW 7 years ago
In the PCB view, it would be nice to have a 'Summon' option. You'd place your mouse in the spot where you want to place a component - perhaps one that was just 'pulled in' from a schematic, or an existing one - and press a hot-key to find a component (just like Ctrl-F does now). Perhaps pressing Shift-enter at the prompt for a component could do this? Anyway, the component would then 'fly' to the place where the mouse cursor is. This way, you can easily work in one place of the PCB and have all components that you want to have in that place 'fly over' easily.
support 7 years ago
@dnl94705278 we will provide order components at EasyEDA soon, and CSV order is under beta
support 7 years ago
@ChristW Will think about this. Do use , you can swich your schematic and PCB very easy Thanks
dnl94705278 7 years ago
When generating the list BOM note that it is necessary to filter in excel (according to video), the list is accepted but does not load values. I downloaded the BOM sample and downloaded the values, so I loaded some values. Maybe having a library field with checkboxes where we can choose items to be generated in the BOM list would be interesting. I have a PIC18F4431 40pin microchip in my design and I noticed he pulled a 40 different pin, maybe by not having the 18F4431. This was my first experience, I hope I collaborated.
support 7 years ago
@dnl94705278 Thanks, just under test.
gilvader 7 years ago
I enjoyed using your great tool and get a high quality PCB soon thereafter. Ordering components with the pcb delivery is going to be a killer feature! What about offering Assembly too? This would make you world leader :-)
Tutorials 7 years ago
@gilvader That's under development, Please look for that. :)
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