1. [https://easyeda.com/bbs_view_156.htm](https://easyeda.com/bbs_view_156.htm "canvas and color selector"),now you can input any color code ,such as #00FF11,don't forget to click the nearby button.
2. Add some zoom scale, such as 70% and 150%. We know, it is not perfect, hope it good enough.
3. When create a new project or modify a project, we use new option "Public" or "Private" to replace "share" or not.
4. Wire is more Intelligent.
5. Under "i" menu, some items and a "about" dialog, click it, you will find the a built date. If you can't find the menu, try to refresh. Ctrl+F5
6. Lots of others feature in PCB.
Bug fixed
1. [https://easyeda.com/bbs_view_300.htm](https://easyeda.com/bbs_view_300.htm)
2. [PCB refresh reverts to earlier saved view](PCB refresh reverts to earlier saved view)
3. some others small bugs which just are known by EasyEDA developer.