You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Electronics Parts/component Inventory App looking for help
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vlrm.prjct 3 years ago
Ahoi, First of all, I am sorry if this post does not comply with the forum guidelines. If so, please feel free to delete this post. Are there some people out there who want to maintain and support this project ? []( It's a simple opensource cross-platform web app for managing electronic parts, written with reactjs and expressjs as an API to connect to a sqlitedb. It also has an oemsecret integration to search for parts. Also github as a login provider. It is not written in PHP like other projects where you still need a server and a MySQL database. I want for example an easyeda integration, EasyEDA library access, LCSC parts if it is possible, a project database and some other things. There are some open tasks and I don't want to invest too much time to finish this project. If anyone has experience with web technologies be my guest. Or let's discuss further here: [](<br> <br> Thank you very much for your attention. Best, Thomas
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