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Expected Re-Stock Dates for SMT--Power Inductor
1577 13
bwinter 4 years ago
I know this has been request previously, but **when will we have a sense of how long 'out-of-stock' items will be restocked for SMT production**?  Prior response to this question was "new features are coming with the new facility in early OCT." Several months ago, I had to recently redesign a project because the original 47uH inductor (C143967) was out of stock (and has now been out-of-stock for awhile).  I replaced with a different version (C169398) that I was able to run a few tests with--but now that is also out-of-stock (and I now have an order suspended until I redesign).   I could possibly consider a third 47uH inductor (C169387)--but it only has 47 in-stock, and a 4th option only has about 900 in-stock (which I would presume will soon run out). Some of these options have different footprints, so require an entire re-design of the PCB each time there's a change.  I feel like I'm rummaging through the bottom of the barrel right now... 1)  Is there any sense when we will have the information that will tell us when items are expected to be re-stocked? 2)  Is there any way we can request to have items stocked (or check to see which version is the preferred item to be consistently stocked)?
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
Hello ; Regarding the stock reload date, this is not available for now but it could be a good feature for customers so we consider it. reload stocks depends on the logistics ordering schedule which is based on ordering a group of components references not only one component. For example if there is three parts A,B,C and we have zero stock of A and B we don't order them again until we get zero stock at C to order all these components together, but for sure we have our own algorithm that helps to properly handle the stocks. All what I can promise is more improvements on the SMT Assembly process. We are counting on your understanding.
bwinter 4 years ago
Thanks for the response.  However, to my question 2) above:  is there any way we can ask to have items restocked, or know what the preferred items is (so we can choose reliable components)? I'm still not really able to move-forward, other than knowing I will need to redesign and retest on a regular basis (which is expensive to have to re-prototype), if I'm always having to respec.
bwinter 4 years ago
"For example if there is three parts A,B,C and we have zero stock of A and B we don't order them again until we get zero stock at C" This would be like expecting a restaurant that runs out of Coke and Diet Coke (popular items), won't reorder until they also run out of Tab (yuck)--so that all three can be ordered at the same time?  This seems to be very difficult scenario for us to plan around....
bwinter 4 years ago
Now the two replacement options (C475527 2,200 in-stock and C526031 4,100 in-stock) both say "under design, please wait" when I attempt to replace in my schematic. What are my options here, or what am I doing wrong?
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
The following references that you have used (C143967, C169398, C169387) are extended parts and means they are not most of the time in our feeders so it is not frequently consumed , basic parts are in our feeders most of the time so it has larger stocks and reloading them is basically quicker. Maybe this could help to know which type of components you can select depending on its importance. About The message that you get while trying to place the component in the schematic "under design, please wait" it means that the components is already available at LCSC but easyEDA team hasn't added its design so it doesn't appear in EasyEDA engine. Please send a request to @[UserSupport]( to handle this.
bwinter 4 years ago
Thanks for the response.  I'm aware of the difference between basic parts and extended parts (and why the extended parts have added costs--that's not the issue here). Parts C143967, C169398, C169387 (out/low-stock) and C475527, C526031 ("under design") are all 47uH power inductors.  The latter two I specifically found in the JLCPCB SMT Parts Library (as that's the only place to know if a part is available for SMT assembly).  I'm having trouble understanding why parts listed there in the JLCPCB SMT Parts Library, aren't actually available for use in the JLCPCB SMT parts. I have emailed @usersupport, but the response for the C475527, C526031 ("under design") is that they are "out of stock" (even though they're showing 2,200 and 4,100 in the JLCPCP SMT Part Library).  So I'm really not sure how to proceed.
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@bwinter A part out of stock! EasyEDA is a design tool not a component ordering tool so regarding the explanation of the availability of the part this is not convenient, there are many zero stock parts in both LCSC and JLCPCB Assembly and yet they are available in the library so users could use them in them designs..
bwinter 4 years ago
The two components that are in-stock (C475527, C526031) cannot be placed in EasyEDA because I'm getting an "under design" error.
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@bwinter I totally understand what you what to tell since your second comment already, that's why I tagged @[UserSupport](  to assist you in this because JLCPCB couldn't make the design for these parts in EasyEDA design tool, it is the EasyEDA team how are concerned by the design. Please Email them through []( We truly want to help in this, hopefully it get solved soon.
bwinter 4 years ago
Update to this issue: 1) I was able to finally place an order for the replacement SMT component that was "under design" in EASYEDA (yet had 2,000+ in-stock).  I had to create my own component schematic/footprint (thus bypassing the "under design" component in EASYEDA's library), then assign my user-generated item to the LCSC inventory.  Here's to hoping that I actually created my footprint properly, for SMT assembly. 2)  However, the larger issues are still outstanding--in that I still have no clue how long items will be out-of-stock, or when/if they intend to be restocked or simply retired, or if we have a path to request item-stock be maintained.  I do see that other components (that I regularly use, but aren't that commonly used elsewhere) are starting to get low stock (
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@bwinter It gladness us to hear that the issue has been solved, I would advice you to create your own part but I hesitated to give you such path because you may make a footprint dimension mistake which will lead to a more complicated situation. Your point about the stocks has been considered and hopefully it gets better soon. Thank you.
bwinter 4 years ago
As anticipated, another component is now out-of-stock (AL8861MP-13), and a partially suitable replacement (AL8860WT-7) has a different footprint (thus requiring a redesign of my PCBs). Can we request that parts be restocked (or inquire then they will be restocked)?
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@bwinter Yes you can send a request through []( Not so sure that it will immediately get reloaded because as I explained before the stocks are handled relatively to the logistics plans but it worth it a try.
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