For clarity, a couple of screenshots of silkscreen outlines separate and silkscreen outlines overlapping would probably be helpful to the people in JLCPCB.
Then they can quickly understand the issue and could give a tick / cross sort of reply.
Here you go. These are the standard 0805 EasyEDA library symbol.
I believe R33 and R62 are fine, I've never met a place that couldn't place them side by side.
But some assembly houses have problems with R33 and R34 abutting.
Does JLCPCB have any rules on close component placing ?

Okay that's good. Some assembly houses have problems with reflow as it pushes solder across the board and you get shorts if the resistors are too close.
@MikeDB For the small packages, we advise you to keep a distance between the tiny components to avoid any sort of accident
Good luck and thank you for writing to us here.
@andyfierman @MikeDB
Hello, I got a final clarification for minimum distance to keep between components for some packages as it shows the below images :

These parameters will be added to the capabilities page ASAP.
Any further details just let me know.
Thank you
Thanks. I'll go through my designs and see if I've broken any of these.
It looks like your process has the same spacing end-to-end as side-to-side. This isn't always the case elsewhere.
Please incorporate these minimum spacings into EasyEDA Design Rules.
Please include these minimum spacings into the JLCPCB Capabilities page.
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