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【Forecast】EasyEDA Pro Edition Features Forecast
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UserSupport 3 years ago
Hi All We are developing EasyEDA Pro edition for a long time, today we post some images to show what we done. and good news is, EasyEDA Pro still has free plan, and it will be released in 2022.03 if everything is good. we are try to solve some issues now. The EasyEDA Pro will be more powerful, quickly and no low perfomance anymore, and it can support more than 500 pages schematic pages and over 2000 parts PCB layout, support multiple boards design, etc. the screenshot please refer at: [](<br> <br> <br> \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-update\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- EasyEDA Pro edition is released, please refer at: [](<br> <br> the tutorial is not translate finish yet EasyEDA Team 2022.04.10 <br> <br> ![图片.png](// ![图片.png](//
UserSupport 3 years ago
copy to @andyfierman
cjohnson 3 years ago
@UserSupport Wow this is an incredible list of features. Pro edition will definitely be worth the money.
andyfierman 3 years ago
That's an amazing step up in features and functions. It addresses so many of the long asked for features such as hierarchy and push-routing to name just two. Great work from EasyEDA Team.
deskpro256 3 years ago
Sweet! Can't wait to try it out!
astradoco 3 years ago
STEP export! Finally! Can't come soon enough!
jonasforssell 3 years ago
Excellent! Where do I apply for the Beta tester programme?
UserSupport 3 years ago
@jonasforssell Hi No beta yet, at present is provide for Chinese users, not ready for other users yet
hoek67 3 years ago
Amazing changes. Good job team. I moved all my stuff from Eagle to Easyeda a week ago and would never go back now. The new version looks like it addresses most of my concerns and wishes. Hope the fabrication process is a lot less verbose. Somewhere in the settings should be the default name and directory for the PCB, BOM and the pick and place file and whether to just overwrite without confirmation, etc. This way can just export and it would\.\.\. know the directory is $proj\_name dd\-mm\-yy and the files would be $proj\_name\.zip\, $proj\_name BOM\.ext and $proj\_name PP\.exe and $proj\_name\.log
Draxter 3 years ago
Looks Sexy. Good Job. Thank you for all.
ByronAP 3 years ago
Yay can't wait!
iamkisly 3 years ago
I would love to take part in beta testing.
dillon 3 years ago  thanks , we will release a beta version in two weeks. This is a desktop  offline version.
brians.digikey 3 years ago
Pay a native English speaker to review the words on your site.  Not bad, but plenty of simple errors that make it clear that whoever is writing does not speak English as their primary language.
ATEF H. 3 years ago
it will be a Good news !!!
MikeDB 3 years ago
I really think you need to get this out now.  Kicad 6 was just released and it's looking very attractive.  It doesn't have all the features I want, but neither does the current EasyEDA.
Michał Przybył 3 years ago
Give update to free version... .. or it die...
Iridium 3 years ago
Great news!!! Some amazing features coming our way. Thank you!
alberteasyeda 3 years ago
Love the upgrades looking forward to upgrading to Pro!
xinort 3 years ago
I'd love to be a beta tester if needed.
Lesliev 3 years ago
All good comments and valid appreciation of what is coming.  Two comments i would reference as they are standouts from my perspective. 1\. Step file export at last\.  Way overdue but better now than never 2\. Employ a native English speaker and writer to write your notes and your promotional info\.  While usually what is written by the non native writers of english is sort of understandable and can be deciphered it takes away from the product and can\, and usually does\, leave the reader wrestling with ambiguities\.  So many times the intent is clear but the english is poor\. Well done and bring on the roll out.
astradoco 3 years ago
@dillon where can we sign up for the beta?
netdudeuk 3 years ago
@andyfierman Where does it mention push routing ?
netdudeuk 3 years ago
@andyfierman Ok I see it now.
SoundHertz 3 years ago
Awesome work team! I was waiting for this for a while now. I always wanted to shift from Altium to Easyedda, but somehow the pro features were not available at the moment. Thanks for the update team.
Davide Romeo 3 years ago
Is there an expected release date?
bleugh 3 years ago
Oh Wow. And just as i was thinking to start learning KICAD to do a few FPGA PCB's, I might not need to now ! Thankyou team
Byte_My_Void 3 years ago
the best function that must be in easy eda - mutli monitor support.
alecamar 3 years ago
@Byte\_My\_Void It actually has \(kind of\)\. You can have the schematic open in one monitor and the PCB in another one\. Whenever you click on one component\, it will get highlighted in both screens\.
Miopicman 3 years ago
@brians.digikey I most strongly edorse this suggestion. Sometimes an English sentence makes no sense to me.
Miopicman 3 years ago
 Employ a native English speaker and writer to write your notes and your promotional info.  While usually what is written by the non native writers of english is sort of understandable and can be deciphered it takes away from the product and can, and usually does, leave the reader wrestling with ambiguities.  So many times the intent is clear but the english is poor.
Miopicman 3 years ago
I am looking forward to using the new Pro version but I see from the Pro Features Screenshots that there are still Chinese characters cropping up in the English text. I can't help wondering which of the other 9 bugs that I reported have not been solved.
Davide Romeo 3 years ago
@dillon Are there any updates on the beta release?
Scott Heimendinger 3 years ago
Wow, this looks like an incredible update! Can't wait to put these new features to use!
Peter Yuen 3 years ago
Will there be any preview versions? :)
harrysunaryo 3 years ago
Great news!!! Amazing...Thank you!
Arrakis-Zexelon 3 years ago
Speaking of the "English" used in the EasyEDA software.....I have come across **2 spelling errors in your new menus**. And, they are: 1. In "Support Autoroute", the menu selection titled "Via qua**n**tity" is shown as "Via quatity" (it is missing the letter " n "). 2. In "New routing", the menu selection titled "Equal length tuning" is shown as "Equal length tun**n**ing" (the word "tuning" contains an extra letter " **n** " within it). You're welcome!!! /
ralphbacon 3 years ago
@Miopicman I agree with this. There is no doubt that an awful lot of thought and thinking has gone into the Pro version of EasyEDA but its professional appeal is somewhat diluted if the surrounding documentation and marketing information is a form of 'Chinglish'. To be honest, I'm they could appeal to, ideally native, English speakers to bring most of the words into line without actual cost; just offer a voucher off the next PCB. I for one would be happy to help, along with a few thousand other delighted users of EasyEDA!
Pavlo Romanyuk 3 years ago
Great updates! And how about preview for PDF export?
astradoco 3 years ago
Beta status??
Marek Bílý 3 years ago
WOW!! pro edition should be 3 times more expensive with all those good features. Good work EasyEDA team!!
Robert Jenkins 3 years ago
Looks really good! A couple of feature requests though: 1 - Hopefully easy, for any EasyEDA version, to remove an oddity I find a major annoyance: In library, in LCSC & JLCPCB tabs, load or search "basic"  components before Extended! At present the loading order is random, and it can sometimes take 5 - 10 minute just clicking "more" and waiting for another section to load, to get all results and then be able to sort for basic parts, to be sure you have any possible ones that may be suitable. 2 - Rather more complex, but a very useful feature: Component level and gate level exchanges during PCB design. (The one feature I find seriously lacking, compared to the PCB package we used to use - EasyEDA is better in just about every other way). For any IC that has multiple similar sections, like opamps or logic gates, have those as individual schematic symbols rather than the IC "block" (as is already done with some quad opamps, though rather inconsistently). And then in the PCB side, be able to swap those around (click two and exchange them) between similar parts, to optimise PCB routing without having to go back to the schematic, change there & update PCB each time. That also needs the ability to change the schematic from the PCB. ps. A trivial annoyance - please standardise symbols. Many parts have different symbols in either schematic or PCB, for identical functions; eg. for a couple of examples: There are many different dual-in-line IC PCB patterns & drill sizes for the exact same physical part fitting, and even mixed symbols for such as different value 0603 resistors - from the same manufacturer! It makes PCBs look "messy" and they need extra time editing & changing symbols for consistency. Thanks for a great \*really\* great program though\, overall it's already the best I have ever used\, in several decades and regardless of cost\. RJ.
xinort 3 years ago
@rjenkinsgb I totally agree to #1. However until then go to []( and you can search for a particular part and select to only show Basic components. Then just paste the JLCPCB Part # into easyeda library to quickly select the part. It works for me and will save you from clicking for 5 minutes :)
WarEnd 3 years ago
Good News Cant wait paid version :)
Digital Cool 3 years ago
Any news on the release date?
xinort 3 years ago
About 2 years ago they said they were going to release a step output option "in a couple months". I'm really hoping this isn't the same thing
astradoco 3 years ago
yeah, two months ago they said "beta in 2 weeks"...
dsmacq 3 years ago
Hello I am new to the program and forum. I am very rusty but this tool is so nice and welcome. I'm wondering if STEP file input to the 3D library will be coming, I know the documents say that more 3D file formats will be supported 'later'. Also, I noticed that there are no 3D images for parts from Digikey, only through the JLCPCB supplier so that makes sense. **Having said that should I be asking to add a 3D component from Digikey and if so is this the forum/room to do it in?** PS, for what it's worth, I found a STEP file for an SD card cage, SD-RSMT-2-MQ-WF and used an online tool to convert it to a xxxx.wrl and I got an error when trying to import it, which I'm not surprised at. Also, being a rookie at MCAD it would be difficult for me to attach a successful xxxx.wrl model to the existing Digikey part but apparently if a native .wrl existed I could follow along with the many great tutorials. <br> <br> Thanks Daniel
dsmacq 2 years ago
Hello, will STEP and STL exporting (and importing of files) for 3D boards be supported? Thanks Daniel
astradoco 2 years ago
Davide Romeo 2 years ago
Maybe the "two weeks"  he wasn't referring to two weeks on earth.
Derick2k 2 years ago
When do you guys think we will get thetry out the pro version? Also, any news on the new capabilities forecasted for JLCPCB? Im really hoping they start doing double sided smt service.
Bob11746 2 years ago
I just hope they fix the small problems in the old version before they release a new version.  I had a 3D CAD program which was paid for.  Every time I complained about something, they said it would be in  the next revision.  So like an idiot, I coughed up the money for the new revision and nothing.  This went of for over 10 years.  Now I use Fusion 360 free and it works much better.
andyfierman 2 years ago
@Bob11746, Interesting take on the phrase: "You get what you pay for"! :)
Miraculix200 2 years ago
Nice. Looks good so far. When can we expect the desktop version of EasyEDA Pro? I can't find a download link for it
xinort 2 years ago
Looks great! Love being able to export a step file. Makes life so much easier.
Peter Yuen 2 years ago
Looking at the translations I wonder if they really can't find a translator who knows english 🤣 But good that there is an option to switch to chinese. Anyway 3D rendering does not seem to be working properly yet?
UserSupport 2 years ago
@ppeetteerrsx Any images? Its good for us
UserSupport 2 years ago
@cjohnson @Bob11746 @Derick2k @davideromeo93k @astradoco @dsmacq @dsmacq @astradoco @xinort @radubabos @WarEnd @rjenkinsgb @bilymarky0 @astradoco @whinsler @whinsler @ralphbacon @harrysunaryo @ralphbacon @Arrakis\-Zexelon @whinsler @sheimend @Miopicman @alecamar @Byte\_My\_Void @bleugh @davideromeo93k @sreenath\.chatterjee1 @sreenath\.chatterjee1 @alberteasyeda @Lesliev @sreenath\.chatterjee1 @astradoco @astradoco @Iridium @Lesliev @bleugh @mickpr1970 @MikeDB @HAMROUNI @brians\.digikey @kisly\.va @jonasforssell @cjohnson @Draxter @deskpro256 @jonasforssell @deskpro256 @brians\.digikey @mickpr1970 Hi All the Pro edition was released, please refer at the editor we just release v1.6.17, it may has a lot issues any problem please contact with the tutorial are translating, if you want to see the tutorial please use web translator the publish with public user will be in two weeks later(when the tutorial translation ready and the v1.6 bug fixed the important issues) Thanks
UserSupport 2 years ago
@ppeetteerrsx ![image.png](//
cjohnson 2 years ago
@usersupport Do you have a specific thread you want us to put bugs in to, or just send all bugs directly to
Peter Yuen 2 years ago
@usersupport It works now. It wasn't working when it was first released.
UserSupport 2 years ago
@cjohnson just tell us directly to email we will add new category for the forum for Pro
Davide Romeo 2 years ago
Has the desktop version for Windows not been released yet?
UserSupport 2 years ago
@davideromeo93k No, that need some time
Marek Bílý 2 years ago
@UserSupport **Hi** the experience with the Beta version for me personally was **rather**** unpleasant**. There is very **none integration** between the two versions, can't move files between easily, even though the performance is greatly improved the whole **experience is just bad**, **there is not as much features as in the standard version**, the editing of schematics, PCBs and other stuff is just very **weird, different, and really unusual.** As from what i see there is **no online library at all**, which should be fixed in the upcoming versions. As for now I think that even though the performance is improved it is the only thing they've changed that's good, **others are usually only downsides. ** **Not worth buying for me at this point.**
UserSupport 2 years ago
@bilymarky0 please tell me the detail 1、You can import Std edition files, or integrate at File - integrate Std, or at ![image.png](// 2/stuff is just very **weird,** don't understand, need more information 3/ online libraries is full hotkey SHIFT+F or S to find and place
cjohnson 2 years ago
@bilymarky0 This is not a good way to help improve a beta version. Give very specific details on your issues.
MiniMax 2 years ago
The new pro version is great! So many improvements ... It will take some time to explore them all. The only thing I am missing right now is the export for autorouter. This feature had been added recently to the standard version of easyeda. I hope it will make it into the pro version too, because the now integrated autorouter is not as good as the old external autorouter. regards
UserSupport 2 years ago
@minimax Yes, export the autorouter file is on the plan. and we are continue to improve the inner autorouter
JimHeaney 2 years ago
Just tried out some of my bigger projects in the pro version, it is definitely a lot faster! I am able to move around hundreds of parts and traces without any noticeable delays. Is there any estimate on when the desktop pro version will be released? We primarily use the desktop version so we can save and work on local files.
UserSupport 2 years ago
@jimheaney the desktop client will be release at next month
Marek Bílý 2 years ago
@usersupport @cjohnson **Hi**, maybe I didn't give it some time or I didn't test it thoroughly. I was used to the UI of the standard version so it was harder learning where certain features are. Anyways I used it for some of my large projects from the past and the experience was really better than with the standard version. It was faster and better, **I was just quick to judge and I'm sorry for that**, the EasyEDA team did a wonderful job making it.
mgarbelix 2 years ago
@UserSupport The pro version is looking very good. I'm just wondering where is the one click PCB/SMT option? Previously we could order PCB assembly from the gerber export menu.
UserSupport 2 years ago
@mgarbelix On Fabrication menu - order pcb
Andreas Tollånes 2 years ago
Is there any plans to make use of the extensive library that exists for the regular version? Because without this library, full of premade footprints, schematics, 3D models and what not. Why use EasyEDA at all? You'd be shooting yourself in the foot.
JAZ013 2 years ago
Hello.  I'm just wondering what the release schedule of the Pro Desktop Client is looking like?  Is it far away? I prefer the desktop client and Pro has some updates to the differential pair routing that I really like and now kinda need. Thanks.
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